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Last night was crazy. Rain, lightning, and THUNDER, THUNDER, THUNDER! Sheesh, when did get to be such a wimp? I mean when your three year old son comes running into the bedroom at night because the rumble of thunder spooks him, and you feel a sense of relief because now you can snuggle with him and find comfort in him much like you would a giant, warm teddy bear. . .you know you're a wimp. With a capital W.
Yep. Wimp's me!
Ever since Alison started kindergarden, I have struggled to keep up with that thing called LIFE. I'm either shuttling someone to school or I'm rushing to pick someone up. Although we've managed to establish a new daily routine, we're far from cruising down Easy St. Usually little Henry manages to throw in a curve ball into our lock-step schedule. Let's just put it this way:
Pee pee + car ride - accesible bathroom = A FRANTIC MAMA!
There's nothing like the words, "Drive faster, Mama! Pee pee's coming...." to put a little adrenaline into your system, now is there?
Tee hee. I love Henry.
As if that weren't enough excitement, we bought a new WHITE couch. Yes. In case you didn't read it the first time, I said, we bought a NEW WHITE COUCH. White. Here's another equation for ya.
3Kids(White Couch + Red Vines) + delusional mother = INSANITY
So, yeah. Try that on for size.
In just 9 short days, I will meet up with very good blogging buddies in New York. We've been planning for months, and frankly, I can't wait to see everyone! I am a little wary about travelling without Hank or the kidlets. I've never been away from them for more than a day, and the last seven times I've travelled by air, I've been pregnant! So this will be quite an experience for me!
The illustration above is my contribution for Illustration Friday. It's been months since I've participated, and it was fun to doodle with illustrator again. This week's theme is "Escape." I hope you all like it!
Well this post is turning into a bunch of non-sequiturs. So I think that's a sign to close here. I'll post again later in the week. I'll have some shop updates by then.
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