Kate and her crazy hair. {click for larger}
I remember when Alison was just a tiny toddler. After tucking her in for the night, I'd sometimes sneak into her room and watch her in the moonlight. There I'd sit in the darkness, listening to her deep breathing and I'd find myself dreaming of her future. Sometimes, I'd sneak over to her bed and hold her little hand, pudgy and fat like a tiny sea star. I'd gently brush her hair away from her face, kiss her on the forehead, careful not to wake this sweet child.
When Henry was a bit younger, I remember feeling so relieved to have a moment of peace and quiet while he napped. Most days I'd feel victorious when I successfully put him down for the day's nap, but there were days, yes there were days, when I'd long to catch a rare glimpse of my sleeping boy. I'd crack open his door, sometimes with Hank by my side, to peek at our slumbering boy. There's nothing more peaceful, more angelic than a sleeping child.
And now there's Kate. How lucky and blessed am I to wake up each morning to a smiling, bright eyed baby whose face lights up when she sees her mama? Each morning, I pluck Kate from her crib, and hold her toasty warm body against mine and we dance a mama-baby dance, both of us cheek to cheek. "Good morning, sweetpea. . . " I usually whisper into her tiny ear. Her usual response is one of a broad grin and smiling eyes like crescent moons.
Kate's pearly buds have already started pushing through her gums, reminding me how quickly time passes with children. Before I know it, she'll be crawling and walking and talking. Oh my! Who would have known that this tiny addition to our family would have me yearning for time to stand still, for moments to linger for just a wee bit longer?
There are moments when my mind flashes forward to the future, to the days when my kids are pubescent teens, and I already know in advance that I'll be nostalgic for these moments of now. Long gone will be the days of needing Mama to tie shoes or to brush teeth or to scare away the monsters. Far away will be the moments of holding Mama's hand or writing love notes for Mama.
So while the saga of daily chores and not-so-fun stuff continues to keep me on the go, go, go, I know that the overall picture is what means the most to me. I have three happy, healthy children and a beautiful, supportive husband all under one happy roof. What more can a girl ask for?
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