It's been a while, yes? Oh I've been hanging around, reading your blogs and peeking at your flickr streams. I just haven't had much to say lately.
But now I'm back, and the first thing I'd like to say is: THANK YOU.
Yes. To all of you. Your overwhelming support has been so much appreciated during this difficult transition. Your comments, heartfelt e-mails and cards, your flowers, gifts, plants all meant so much to me and my family during our difficult time.
In the morning when we wake up, as per our newly formed ritual, I carry Kate to the living room to look at a photo of my father. And as if on cue, she undoubtedly points to it and shouts his name. Usually his name is a burst of happiness from her mouth, and part of me feels relieved by her recognition. Yes. She still remembers him. Yes. He's still fresh in her mind.
Alison and Henry are starting to comprehend his physical absence from our lives. Usually a memory will trigger or a thought will pop into their minds, and then a moment of sadness washes over them. Today as we were getting ready for bed, Alison turned to me and said softly, "Mama, I didn't want Buppa to die."
So yes. Sadness does creep into our lives on a daily basis, and it comes at surprising times, like sudden pangs of emotion. But most of the time, we live in our many moments of happiness together as a family. We've made it this far, and I know, as so many of you have shared, life does go on. We're know that now.
Thank you again for everything.
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