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October 13, 2006



that is the most gorgeous illustration you've posted yet!! it must go on some stationery! i'm insisting! :) beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!


Very pretty! WOW!! 3 miles, can you come over and help me with the exercise thing LOL! :D


RUNNING 3 MILES A DAY???? You are superwoman. Love the illo Leslie.


Sounds wonderful!
So glad you are enjoying precious time with your family.
Wow, 3 miles!!! You're awesome.

jenny vorwaller

*faints* three miles a day. wooooboy! you are my hero. i just bought some running shoes last week because only a week in montevideo had me realizing that with food THAT good, i was SURE to gain some weight. hahah.

its rough those first few days running after not going for so many years! :)

ps i forgot my penaut butter jar guess!


I love this illustration. Your life sounds good and amazingly busy - how impressive that you squeeze in running.


LOL! Hey you are running which is more then what I'm doing. I'm watching my butt spread and get bigger.:P


Sweet Illustration!

I think I still may be recovering from bad highschool track team memories... where we were forced to run up steep hills and over train track bridges for long hours after school... I hear the word running and I still sort of cringe! But still I think it's great... and new shoes are always key! :)


Amazing illo! I absolutely love it! So glad things are going so good for you. And keep up the running - you're doing awesome!


will you please run a little for me while you're out there? I could definitely use it. Life sounds busy there, but fun.


First and foremost: LOVE the illo! So cool. Reminds me of the Emily stuff kinda ... hehe. Now ... 3 miles! Wow! I used to do that back in high school but I haven't been able to do that since then (tho it is one of my 101 in 1001 goals, I think) ... but I'm off the treadmill (at least when it goes over 3.5 MPH) until this baby arrives, so that goal will have to be shelved. Glad you're still having fun and staying busy ...


wow, you're very busy! at least you're getting exercise...i'm only running to the bathroom to potty train my son =) i love the illustration and the light effects!


Leslie, I am swooning over that illo! It is marvelous! And so are you (for so many different reasons!!). I owe you many notes and mail love....you are a superstar. 3 miles of running...nuts!!


Hey Hon...I am loving that illo...so cute it is, it is!!

I wanted to tell you that you will MISSED this weekend by me, Hope and Dawn...it wont be the same with out the rest of you....but we'll make it work somehow *sigh*.


I agree - that illustration is AMAZING! Second, congrats on running that much! I couldn't even make it around the local track once when I tried recently! (Thank goodness for the elipitical machine.) Third, I'm looking forward to meeting you and your family at the upcoming pirate party of one of our favorite bloggers. :)

jenny vorwaller

well, im still impressed with the running!! :)*

i loe that illo, my goodness, you are so good...that lantern is just glowing!*


love the new illustration. You have so much wonderful stuff going on. And hooray for running and doing something for yourself.


I can't be original, which begs the question why I'm bothering to post... but the illustration is just so pretty I had to add my own "me too".


oh, i wish i could run that far! i always find motivation for just a short while and then i go back to being lazy.

what a really pretty illustration!

Account Deleted

how beautiful!! and i got to see your cards at the paper boat boutique the other day!!! dreamy!!!


Stunning! What an amazing picturesque scene! It brings me happiness. Really great work. Thanks for sharing!

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