Honk! Honk! Honk!
Hot diggity! It's hot! Is it hot in your neck o' the woods too?! Right now it's a cool, NINETY DEGREES INSIDE THE HOUSE. Yep. And outside? Add about another 10 degrees. The funny thing about this obnoxious heat is a conversation I had with Hank last November (when we were having a new heating system put in). It went a little something like this:
Hank: So did you want to just go ahead and add a/c to the forced heating system?
Me: Nah, it never really gets that hot in the summer. We'll be alright!
So yeah, I'm kicking myself for not splurging on the a/c.
And I know, I know. It's hot everywhere. Poor Joleen is suffering through 121 degree heat. . . . I'm just a big ol' wimp when it comes to extreme temperatures (be it too hot or too cold!). I'm a 70 degrees kinda gal. Yeah, that sounds nice. Oh, if only.
Anyway, what was the point of this post? I dunno. . . I think the heat melted all the ideas in my head!
Well how about these long overdue photos? The blogosphere spoiled me good for my birthday. Here take a peek at part of my gifty from Kathleen:
You can view the rest o' the goodies over here. ***
I've been getting many questions about my Crap Swap -- I had grand plans of using flickr as our medium of trade, but after e-mailing the fine flickr folks, I learned that flickr cannot be used for commercial purposes. (Jes and Hope also tipped me off about the flickr TOS, and they suggested I remove links to my business site to prevent losing my flickr account! Thanks girls!) And well, flickr, considered my crap swap a "commercial use." Bummer, I know. I had fun in the first round. . .round 2 coming up soon. And Gifty?! Oh, we'll get around to that again soon too! The group has gotten quite large, and it's becoming harder to manage. Any suggestions? What do you guys think about putting a cap on "registration?" Does that take the fun out of the swap?
And I almost forgot (see what happens when the posts are so infrequent? You get a random bunch of random thoughts all thrown together!). I almost forgot to tell you folks that I opened up a shop over at etsy. Go take a peek! My paper goods are cheaper there (primarily because I don't have to worry about the spying eyes of retailers surveying my prices). My learning curve for selling wholesale is quite steep, and I'm just now learning how to offer wholesale prices while making it worthwhile for me too!
Okay, now the real question. HOW HOT IS IT WHERE YOU ARE? Do tell.
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