Dear Kate,
Sometimes I see you playing across the room from me, and the moment is so surreal and beautiful. There you are, my baby, my beautiful Kate, playing, laughing, clapping. There you are busy forming your own little world separate from me, and in moments like this, I find myself selfishly interrupting you as if to remind you that yes, Mama is here with you.
One year ago today we welcomed you into our little family, and the knowledge that you were our last and final addition has made me savor each and every minute. From the very first moment when they placed your warm body onto mine to the most recent moment today when you nuzzled your sleepy head against my chest, I realized how truly blessed I am to experience your love.
Your innocent love is so genuine and raw, and you express it in ways that only your mama can appreciate. I recognize your love for me when I see your eyes light up at the simple sight of me entering a room. I feel the love in your laughter and hums of happiness, and I recognize your love for me when you find comfort in my arms.
Your future is full of hope and brimming with endless possibilities, and there are days when I think about the future, and I wonder what kind of person you will be. Will you be shy and determined like your sister? Will you be funny and rambunctious like your brother? Or will you be a beautiful combination of both? Time will only tell, but for now I am content knowing that you are growing your own wings, preparing yourself for an amazing journey. I await the day that you’re ready to fly on your own with a bittersweet mixture of emotion. Regardless of the path you take, always remember that I will be here for you when you need to retreat home.
Today I revel in the fact that I am your mama, your everything. Each moment with you is a gift of future memories waiting to be honored. I hope never to forget what it feels like to have you fall asleep in my arms, your heavy breathing a sign of your complete surrender to slumber. I hope never to forget the happiness I feel when I pluck you from your crib each morning, your body sleepy and warm, your face happy to greet the day.
Over the years our relationship will grow and change, and yes, there will be times when you will want your distance from me. And in those times I will remember, I will cherish these moments of today. These moments when I am your everything.
Thank you, Kate. Thank you for trusting me and loving me unconditionally. Thank you for letting me be your mama.
Happy 1st Birthday!
Love you forever,
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