Kate. My sweet Kate. Last week was a week of firsts for her. (Hank and I drove down south to Coronado Island with the kids to spend their vacation time, well, vacationing). Between trips to Sea World, the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and the zoo, we spent time in the water. . .Kate's very first time. And I must admit that she took to the water like a fish. Splashing! Laughing! Splashing! Giggling! It was all so very exciting for her, and it was a mixture of excitement/nostalgia for me.
I always enjoy moments of first-time experiences with my kids, and while I'm always in the present, enjoying the moment as it occurs, a part of me always tries to revel in these experiences as they are so fleeting. Time with my kids as babes is so precious, and so very fleeting. Seeing Kate splash about in Alison's old bathing suit brings me much happiness, and yet, in a way I feel a sweet sense of nostalgia. It wasn't too long ago that Alison was her age, and yep, I blinked, and now she's six. How can that be?
We're back home now, and the house is in a state of disarray. Laundry to be done, souvenirs to be put away, mail to sort through. But that's okay because the kids and I (and Hank) had a damn good time lazing about. And that is what vacation is all about, don't you think?
One of my highlights of the trip was that we were able to spend time with one of my very best friends (Hi Linda!) in San Diego. She and I have been pals since. . . since a long time now. She's a bride-to-be, and I am happily enjoying all of the wedding planning/excitement with her. Her husband-to-be just deployed to Pakistan today (for six months) so I am sure to keep him (and her) in my thoughts and prayers.
As for the CRAP SWAP...well, I'm trying to coordinate a plan of action for this crap swap as several fellow hoarders crafters have expressed that they too would like to offer their goods up for swapping. But for now, here are just a few of the things that I have up for swap (will post more as time permits)...please read the continued. . .
Watchmakers' Tins I have several sizes of these (the largest is shown in the photo). Interested in swapping for one of these guys? Going, going, gonzo!
Griffin and Sabine Books I have a duplicate set of these guys. I love these books!!! If you're unfamiliar, check 'em out here. These guys have been claimed!
Wallies I have a bizillion Wallies designs (shabby chic roses, topiaries, angels, magnolias, cherubs, spices, country chickens etc. . . ) Don't know what Wallies are? Go here to find out.
I'll post more goods later. . .yawn, I'm tired! But in the meantime, if you're interested, e-mail me!
She's so cute! I love those chubby thighs.
Posted by: weigooksaram | April 25, 2006 at 06:19 AM
That picture of Kate is SOOOO adorable!
Sounds like a wonderful vacation...you just let that laundry sit there, and relax some more ;)
Posted by: Anne Marie | April 25, 2006 at 06:21 AM
Sounds like you had an amazing vacation!! We're going to Nashville in June for my SIL's wedding ... her fiancee is due to be deployed to Iraq sometime after they're married ... Oy. We're due to spend almost a week in Destin, FL right before the wedding, which I'm really looking forward to ... yea!
Darling photo of Kate.
Posted by: Jesser | April 25, 2006 at 07:16 AM
Awww, Kate! I love that photo! It's so sweet and makes me feel all melty even though I have no little people of my own yet to melt over. Awww!
I hope you do take a few days of not doing anything. It's highly important to decompress from travel and vacation. Seriously!
Posted by: Giao | April 25, 2006 at 08:23 AM
that picture of kate is so, so, so lovely... im all melty too! what a sweet girl, so glad you had time to enjoy your babes. it is all going by so fast, but then things stand still for an expression, a casual statment, or a little hug and kiss. what a wonderful journey!
ps. how can you resist nibbling on those thighs???
Posted by: hannah | April 25, 2006 at 08:48 AM
Wait, you mean there is such a thing as a "vacation with kids?" Whoa.
Love that pic of Kate, I just want to squeeze her.
Posted by: anne | April 25, 2006 at 09:23 AM
I LOVE the photograph of Kate, it is perfect--her pose, her swimsuit, her lovely chubby thighs. Don't you just love those inner knee/thigh rolls?
Posted by: sally | April 25, 2006 at 11:57 AM
This picture of Kate reminds me of my neice in her little ruffled swimsuit. Those little roly-poly thighs are too cute!
This post gave me vacation envy... I'm so glad to hear it was a blast!
Posted by: Kathleen | April 25, 2006 at 02:49 PM
Oh my gosh, that pic of Kate is just too much!!! So cute! I went to Coronado last year and fell in love with it. Just hearing the name made me feel all warm and tingly inside. Needed it too since it was like 42 degrees today here in Chicago - yuck!
Posted by: Melissa | April 25, 2006 at 08:36 PM
That is such a sweet picture of Kate! You just want to squeeze those legs! Since my son is thinning out now, I don't have much to squeeze anymore.
Posted by: joyce | April 25, 2006 at 10:51 PM
oh my kate is getting so big!!!! I remember when she was born! Keep up those first baby doll!
Posted by: joy | April 25, 2006 at 11:29 PM
OH KATE!! That is such a cute picture and I can't believe how big she is already in her cute bathing suit with her lovely legs - ah, really sweet :o)
Posted by: Yvonne | April 26, 2006 at 03:37 AM
Oh...I just LOVE that little chubbiness!! SO sweet! I'm glad she's feeling better...I could feel my chest tightening this morning as I was reading.....
Posted by: jes | April 26, 2006 at 06:09 AM
I am so late to the game - but would love those tins or books. And my goodness that photo of Kate is adorable!
Posted by: hope | April 26, 2006 at 07:15 AM
i love the tins too! i bet i am late though :(
your vacation sounds wonderful!!! we need one so bad too!
Posted by: Account Deleted | April 26, 2006 at 12:19 PM
Just seeing the picture on flickr was great. But reading the post that goes with it makes me all teary - I can feel Kate looking out the window, looking forward, turning her back on babyhood. Or at least the pre-water part of it.
Posted by: shokufeh | April 26, 2006 at 09:54 PM
I'm so glad you are had a good vaca. That pic of Kate is too cute! Makes ya just want to bite upon her adorable, chubby legs!
Posted by: Dawn | April 26, 2006 at 10:21 PM
the legs! they're killing me!
Posted by: mipmup | April 27, 2006 at 08:47 PM
Hi Leslie! I haven't commented in a while. I'm still getting used to being a mom to 2 kiddos. I don't know how you do it with 3! Those legs...so cute!!! Penelope is now 6 months and my how time goes by so fast.
Posted by: Val | May 09, 2006 at 01:33 PM
What a sweet picture and I love those chubby legs!
Interested in the trade-hoard swap. I have a truckload of stuff and can send photo's if you like...
Posted by: Gina | May 12, 2006 at 11:37 AM
Oh that adorable little outfit!
Posted by: Gina | May 12, 2006 at 10:55 PM
Leslie, Happy Belated Mother's Day...to one of the best moms I know! I cannot believe that Kate can be that big already! Where does the time go?! :) Adorable photo.
Posted by: Marilyn | May 20, 2006 at 12:05 PM
First, we spent a bliss-filled several days at the Hotel del Coronado in January of 2004 and it was just sublime. Every second in San Diego was marvelous and if we could afford it, we'd move there in a second.
Second, I was just talking last night with the Husband about babies and the difference in my second child and the way I appreciate, now, the babyhood so much more. My daughter was an easy baby and enjoyed everything and meshed so well into our family and my son, who is 15 mos old now, is so different--the second babymoon made me realize how precious and fleeting this time is and how lovely it can all be, even the screamy parts.
Happy, happy day!
Posted by: Heels | May 29, 2006 at 07:27 AM