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March 29, 2006



Leslie: I love your new/old cake toppers...so cute! Well, actually the little guys in photo #2 kind of scare me. Ooh...I wanna see your crap, uh I mean "stuff". Btw, I heard that Boston Univ came out with a study which found eating peanut butter every day reduced the risk of catching colds by 50%...made me think of your family. =)


Hee, hee, nothing like quiet time!
I'm interested in a swap, but will this really clear out your stuff?! Well, at least it'll give you new stuff to horde and look at! :)


"Any of you interested in my crap?"
Geez, when you put it so eloquently, how can anyone resist?


love your little guys! just too cute. I have not been having much luck lately with thrifting...so now I have thrift envy! Since use what you have month is next month I may be looking to swap...I will keep an eye out!!


Leslie,I may be interested.


The cake toppers are just a great find!!!!

I would love some crap...I wonder what crap I have that you may like??????


Those cake toppers are amazing. Just made my day to click on your blog and see those pics. If that's the crap, I'm definitely interested!


Those mushrooms are killing me!!!

I've never been one to turn down an offer to trade crap for crap. Please count me in.


Hi ya Leslie: I'm up for a swap! What are you insterested in (not) hording??

Great Thrifting finds!!


even though we have plenty of actual crap around this place. (i forgot how much babies poo) i would love some new crap for mama. bring it on!

ps. how cool is your neighborhood. sigh...why do i not live in california?


If I can find something tradeworthy around here, I'd love to swap for some watchmakers tins. My beads need homes! ;)

I just made little notes all over your flickr stream... oh how I love being able to do that! ;)


oOOH, I'd love to do a swap! I'm particularly fond of fabric and stamps. I've got lots of goodies I could send you too. Keep me in mind!


I love those cake toppers. So cute.

I'd be interested in a swap. I've got tons of stuff for candle making if anyone is interested. I asked for it one Xmas, then I took a class & realized it wasn't for me.

mo Bedell

Oh those are just the cutest! I have a nice little collection of old cake toppers and I just think they are so enchanting. I am always up for a swap- I havebeen cleaning out the closets too and am quite amazed at what I have put away. in fact, i have a little set of old animal game cards somewhere that you might like. Now where are they?!!


oooh me me me me me!!! i'm interested for sure, can't wait for details...
great recent finds by the way - i really need to venture out and find some great little antique shop - i know there's gott be one somewhere nearby...


Dynomite... I'd love to swap. I am a bit of a fabric fanatic. I'd definitely be into swapping some fun fabrics with you. Can't wait for the details.

Spring is here in Texas too!!


Did someone say "crap for swap?"
oh yes, please!
But I'm sure it couldn't be THAT crappy...


great finds! -- i may be interested in some of your fabric!

bethany mann

Put me on a possible swap list..
I would be fun building swap piles from my stock piles.


I wanna trade...my crap for your crap? I have tradable ar here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/39564830@N00/sets/72057594081206446/


I love crap. I would love to swap!


you don't know me, since i only recently found your blog, but i would love to swap crap with you. i have an overabundance of hoarded supplies.


Junk swap is a perfect idea for spring cleaning! I too have an overabundance of weird-but-useful-someday?-cool-things and would love to swap crap! Your bakery toppers really remind me of a flea market find I got last fall--a shoebox of 1950s *floral* toppers--about 100 birds (including several owls!), some setting on plastic/rubbery branches, and all just kind of weird. But it is sort of sweet to think of a florist placing these little guys inside plants or bouquets. Anyway, count me in for the swap.


Amazing crap! I love it!

I'm tagging you with a Five on the Fifth meme:

1. Five minutes to yourself: how would you spend them, ideally?

2. Five bucks to spend right now: how would you spend it?

3. Five items in your house you could part with, right now, that you hadn't thought of already? (In other words, cull the junk, mentally at least.)

4. Five items you absolutely, positively could never part with in your house?

5. Five words you love?


If you know me well you can already guess my answer - hehe, I don't have crap *blush*. I love these cake toppers and your pictures. The colors are amazing and I love, love how you included them in the vintage book pages. Looks really sweet :o)

Oh I wish I could help you de-clutter your home, I like projects like that. I now have a new neighbor who's very cluttered (ha-ha love that word) and she asked me to help and I was almost on my knees thanking her - LOL!!

I'm a sad I know :o(


sweet pie! Long time no see!! How are you? are you still working at the school or are you home full time?
I just happened to visit and of course, hate that you posted this ages ago. I'm in love with the little red & white mushrooms.
sweets....email me and tell me how you're doing! oxox, tracy

Account Deleted

i would love to swap if you still have extras :).... i love the photos you took too!!! not to mention, the book they are on :D

i know i might be too late ;s

take care!

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