In my recent post regarding our Skippy Peanut Butter consumption, Hank, my peanut butter loving husband, posted this comment:
Okay, in the interest of Science, I am prepared to eat as much peanut butter as I can over the next fifty-two weeks. In the interest of Science. I will do anything for Science. Perhaps Leslie will then run a clever post on how much weight her husband has gained over the past year. But if DeNiro can do it for Raging Bull, I can do it for Skippy. ~Hank
Okay so I know that you have all been eager and white-knuckled with anticipation to see how this Skippy! count contest unfolds. I know, I know. It's about as exciting as watching paint dry. Or watching ice melt. Well folks, I hate to break it to ya, but I think that my family has banded together to try to prove me wrong. You see, I think I've been foiled by Waffle Sticks.
Every morning my kids used to eagerly, feverishly gobble up peanut butter toast or peanut butter bagels or peanut butter crackers. But now? The introduction of Ze Royale Waffle Sticks has curbed my kids' appetite for la crema de cacahuate! Every morning, there's the rush and scramble to the freezer to pop those waffle sticks into the toaster oven. So my friends, the peanut butter consumption 'round here has come to a crawl (a mere 2.5 40 oz. jars!). Yep, just like I said. As exciting as watching your hair grow.
Speaking of growing hair. (Heh, did you like that segue?) Remember when my hair stopped falling out when I was pregnant? And do you remember when I mentioned that it had started to grow back? Well dear reader, did you really believe me when I told you about my hair woes? (Come on, you can tell me if you thought it was all a crock!) Well in the interest of showing you what I was talking about, check out my new hair! See?! I told you I have a couple of inches of sticky-uppy hair (all new growth!)!!!
Gosh, nuthin' but excitement 'round here folks.
Onto truly splendiferous news, I was so happy to hear about Hannah's newest addition, Arlo. What a sweet bean of a baby! In my desire to get back into crafting, I crocheted a pair of All Stars just for her wee one. (I used some insanely tiny needle!) Here, take a looksee, will ya? I like how it coordinated with Valentine's Day! I think these little guys must have arrived around the time little Arlo entered the world!
Onto Gifty! news, if you've taken snaps of your goody goods, please consider posting it in our flickr group! It's been so much fun seeing all the swapping goodness. And guess what? This round I participated in the swapping fun! So this Gifty! round was my very first one! My fabulous partner was Kat of Pinku! She's such a sweetie! She spoiled me with some wonderful surprises (I will take pictures soon. . . it's night, lighting's bad etc, etc). But to give you a little teaser, it included EDIBLE (REAL) GOLD HEARTS! Whoa! How cool is that?!
Anyway, my mind is a jumble, so I think I will close with a list of thoughts that have been popping in and out of my head lately:
• I'm feeling quite lucky to have scored a subscription to Mail Order. I'm also feeling way cool because I guessed the secret word!
• I'm excited because my big bro and his family are in town, and this weekend should be a ton o' fun!
• I am thrilled because a very, good friend has recently reentered my life!
• I'm knitting a pinafore for baby Kate!!
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