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February 25, 2006



yay for pretty hair! those all stars are unbearably adorable...i am loving my mailorder subscription too, especially the card :)..... i've been trying to get cocoa pebbles into peanut butter. she likes to talk about it, but then just looks at it on her plate. maybe i should try skippy, but i have an unreasonable affinity for jif.


I love those tiny shoes! I wish I could make them for our dogs!


I'm super impressed with your crochet abilities, unbelieveable... you made pink chucks! Her baby's going to be stylin'. :)

It's been fun to watch all of the gifty's too... so many clever gifts!


those mini all stars are the best! love the girly pink action going on--i can't imagine how long it took. did you make up the pattern?

too bad about the peanut butter, i think i guessed a crazy high number--d'oh!


I totally feel your pain about the new spikey hairs! I was not expecting any of the hair that fell out post-partum to return four months later. Everyone I know asked me if I'd been trying to cut bangs or something. Bah!

Cute shoes :)


Dude, those baby allstars ROCK. You are SO cool! Seriously.

And I love the baby hairs! So cute!


That sucks cause I KNEW I was going to win the peanut butter pool. I say dip those waffle sticks in peanut butter.
Also, if you could crochet me some adult size Chuck T's, I'll wear 'em out and about. *wink*


Those baby all stars are so cute and you are gorgeous!! What a beautiful family. I hope to be a part of the next Gifty. :)


I am shedding. I always say that if I ever commit a crime, CSI could get me right away because my hair is ALL OVER THE PLACE!

Love those baby booties.


oh leslie! i squealed when the little converse arrived at my house and then felt guilty as the days went by and i had not sent a thank you or posted a pic or really been on the internet. they are lovely! and i do thank you dearly! and so does arlo. at some point i swear i will take a picture!

ps. my hair is acting funky too, it feels suddenly thicker. what dont babies do to our bodies???

Gillian Greding

The shoes are the cutest EVER! I adore them!


Those waffle sticks sound very good - I may have to try them!

I am so glad you joined in on the gifty fun - I do not know what but I always thought you did in the past, so I am very happy to hear you got to participate! Isn't it fun??


i must try those waffle sticks for my son (picky eater) - the regular waffles don't seem to work with him.
great work on the shoes!...
(and garnier makes this smoothing milk hair thing and that works to keep my short hair pieces down).


WHAAAAAA....I wanna a pair of pink chucks!!

(I was prepared to comment on your hair, peanut butter & waffle sticks, but when I saw those chucks they consumed my brain!)


oh, we eat frozen waffles, waffle sticks, pancakes, french toast with peanut butter. very yummy! you can soften the skippy(our family brand for the last 50+ years!) in the micro and use it as syrup or dip!

Gina Miller

Count me in for a pair!


Oh my gosh these are so wonderful!

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