This portion written on December 23rd
Oh! It's been too long my friends. Too long! I'm heading towards the tail end of our winter break (Hank has been off of work since November 23rd), and it's been so wonderful having him home. Our days have been long and lazy with later wakeup calls, lingering breakfasts over chai tea, mid-afternoon naps, and lots of reading and lazing about. Nothing wrong with that, don't you think? It's been nice to reclaim Mr. & Mrs. Time while the kids are away at school, and we're left with an empty, quiet house. (Well, of course we've had the pleasure of being with Kate, but she's such a quiet, sweet little creature.)
A couple of weeks ago Kathleen and I stormed Bizarre Bazaar at L.A.'s Shrine Auditorium, and we were able to get some goody goods to gift and to keep. So many crafty ladies were there, and it was fun meeting some of them in person. Kathleen and hubby Shawn are so fun to hang around with, and we're planning to meet up again soon (this time we won't require our husbands to roam the aisles of a craft fair!). We're just going to wait until the holiday madness simmers down.
The following day, crafty diva, Jenn popped by with her bambinos, and she came bearing gifties for the kidlets. And the best part? She managed to whip up a homebaked gingerbread house for the kids! Yes, you read that right! A gingerbread house from scratch! Alison and Henry were thrilled, and there were many quarrels about who would get to eat which part. . . and they were constantly turning the house 'round and 'round and 'round. Here, go on and take a peek at the houses here!
Mr. Yury, our contractor, decided to reenter our lives last week to finish up yet another phase of our renovations. So currently our house is in a state of complete disaster (the Master bedroom looks like it exploded, and our hallway looks like Beirut!) But we're determined to finish off the renovations especially since Yury has promised to transform our hallway into "The Corridor of Love." Hmmmm. . . we'll see about that.
Yesterday both Alison and Henry had Christmas performances which that sent us flitting about the city trying to catch a glimpse of both. Luckily we have two digital video cameras on hand (thanks workplace!), and we were able to record both performances! So a big whew on that one! Henry and his preschool pals sang the traditional repertoire of Christmas jingles -- he looked so cute with a glittering halo over his head! And Alison's group sang canciones bilingües; her class sang "Todo que Quiero es Paz" (while signing in sign language) and a Hannukah song (Latkes de Papa).
We've been so lazy lately, and now we're paying for it! Hank is about to take the kids out while I frantically try to wrap up our presents for the kids. . .
Obviously I never finished this post. . . so let's fastforward to December 27th
Much has happened since. . .to give you a brief run down, let me give you "The Numbers"
Number of times Henry asked, "Is Santa coming soon?": 27/day
Visits to the post office per week: 9
Number of times I thought I was finished with my shopping but really wasn't: 4
Inches of dust in our home (thanks to Yury): 1.5"
Percentage of brain filled with worry and fret: 99.9%
Number of visits to the ER (in the past two days): 2
Number of kids sick in our household: 2
Days that my Christmas cards have been delayed at the printers: 9
Number of days until I return to WORK: 7
Number of times I watched "A Christmas Story": 2
Number of meds we have in rotation: 6 (Motrin, Zithromax, Augmenten, Albuterol, Advil, Pediacare)
Number of times I've transformed into the Wicked Witch: 10/day (I'm sorry, Hank)
Okay, you get the point! In short, Henry has pneumonia and Kate has bronchitis. :( They're both on the mend now, but it still doesn't prevent me from worrying like mad!!!!
Anyway, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to get back into BLOGGING!!!! I miss it so much, and I miss all of you bloggy friends! So!!! I will be back with more VIM!! More smiles!! More laughs!! Yes! 2006 promises to be a FUN, FUN year!!!
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