As one could imagine, the three ring circus here at home has kept this ring master on her toes! Life is whizzing by full speed ahead, and I just know that the (rest of the) holidays will be here in a jiffy! Yipes! And to think that I haven't done any shopping! At all! I'm screwed, I know.
Our Thanksgiving was quite the treat as my grandparents continued their annual tradition of flying in from Hawaii for this special, special day! To add to this fabulous family affair, an aunt and uncle joined the g-parents by jetting in from Hawaii as well. But wait! There's more! Two of my favorite cousins accompanied us with their families, and they indulged in the FEASTING! We spent the day all warm and cozy at my parents' house, gabbing and chowing down, gabbing and chowing down. For those who don't know, my mother is quite the cook, and she fits in quite well in her gourmet kitchen (I'm quite envious, can't you tell?). Add my grandmother (another fabulous cook), and we all had warm, full bellies!
As the days pass by, my time at home with Kate shortens. I'm slated to return to work on January 3rd, but I am SO NOT LOOKING forward to returning to that...that...that PLACE. Granted I'll only work 40% (that's Tuesdays/Thursdays folks!), I'll still return to work whining and crying and stomping my feet!!! Fortunately my mother-in-law will watch Kate on those two "T Days" while Henry is at pre-school, and Alison in Kinder. So all will follow the normal routine. The only difference is that I will be you-know-where. Hush! Let's not talk about that anymore, 'kay?
A couple of weeks ago I volunteered in Alison's class, and I must say that those little five year olds kicked my butt! Give me a classroom of 35 pubescent, hormonal, disgruntled, moody teens any day! I was in charge of one of the rotations, and we had to practice our "nĂºmeros ordinales" (ordinal numbers). Try explaining that to a bunch of little ones. And then explain it in Spanish to a bunch of kidlets who don't know what the heck you're saying! See? Not easy, huh?
Meanwhile The Paper Princess has continued to keep me super busy (in a good-busy kinda way), and I've just added some new goodies to the site. I've had these cards printed and onhand for, oh, about six weeks. . . but I've been too busy (read: lazy) to update the ol' site! So finally, finally I have those puppies launched and online! Whew!
To celebrate these new additions to my site, I'd like to offer a "1 + 1 = 3 Sale!" Buy two noteflat sets (1 + 1), and GET ONE NOTEFLAT SET FREE (1 + 1 =3)! Simply type in "1 + 1 = 3" along with the (FREE) noteflat set of your choice ** in the special notes section upon checking out, and I'll refund you the difference pronto! Easy peasy, yes? This special will run until December 10th! How's that sound?! eta: you can find these noteflats right here . Oh and while you're at it, take a peek at my new custom stationery!
** So sorry for the multiple edits!!! And so sorry to this morning's shoppers -- I hope this clarifies things!!
Well folks, I think I'll close here! My feeble attempts at updating you on my world in a nutshell! I'll post again soon!
P.S. Let's end this post on a "fun note," shall we? < Fun note >About two months ago my hair started falling out (remember #2 of The Symptoms?). . and falling out. . . and falling out some more. Well, now it's growing back. That's a good thing, yes, but now I have about one inch of new growth all over my head. If you look real close you can see it poking through. . . very attractive. Very. < / Fun Note >
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