Vicki tagged me with this fun, thought-provoking meme (one that she created herself!). She has asked that I write about five women who inspire me and my creativity! Such a great question. . . I've thought a lot about my possible answers, and alas! here is my list:
1. Sandra Cisneros - - Most people that I know either love her or hate her. I fall in the former category, and I have a deep sense of appreciation for Ms. Cisneros' writing. I first read Cisneros' book, La Casa en Mango Street (The House on Mango Street) while in college, and I immediately fell in love with her colorful writing and vibrant word choices. Her work is childlike, brillante, fresh, and she writes from her inner child as a poor Latina growing up in Chicago. I must also add that I have seen the most reluctant readers/writers in my classroom take pride in their own selves and cultures after having read La Casa en Mango St. Cisneros' writing not only entertains, but it inspires me to find my own voice as a female minority.
2. Seonna Hong:
Ever since I entered the world of digital illustration a year or so ago, I have found much inspiration from artist, Seonna Hong. Her color palette and mostly female dominated paintings are so fabulous and truly inspiring. Her paintings shatter stereotypes by proving that little asian girls can be more than just little docile playmates. Trapeze artist? Sure! Space Explorer? Of course! Wrestler? Yeah, that too!
Edited to add: After some fun internet searching, I just found out that Seonna Hong has a gallery showing in my hometown!! Her pieces will be at the gallery through November! I'm thrilled that I'll be able to see her work up close and personal!
3. Paige Pooler: I stumbled across Paige Pooler's illustration site about a year ago, and I find her digital illustrations fun, whimsical, and colorful! I love how she combines digital illustration with photography to create truly one of a kind pieces. Her silly sense of humor shines through her creations. I'd also like to add that she's super friendly too! I happened to e-mail her a couple of months back, and her responses were always so genuine, courteous, and kind!
And I'm going to have to think more about numbers four and five! Thanks for inviting me to play, Vicki!
Photos courtesy of:,,
Today good pal Amanda and I spent NINE HOURS cleaning out my garage, transforming it into a real bonafide workspace! There's still tons to be done, but the fact that I can actually walk from one end of the garage to the other says a lot! My painting/creating workbench still needs to be organized and sorted through, but we're saving that fun stuff for another weekend.
And I'd also like to add that Amanda LOVES TO STRAIGHTEN and TIDY UP! She thrives off of organization which is such a treat for me. Actually to give you a bit of history, Amanda was my first dorm roomie, and there were days when I'd come home from a long day of school, and my laundry would be folded, sheets washed and changed. . .the works! What a dream, huh?
She's never asked for anything in return (this is the second storm through the garage), but I'd really like to spoil her with something good. Any suggestions?
This week promises to be another hectic one, but on Thursday night Hank, the kids, and I are packing it up and heading up north to San Luis Obispo for a fun weekend! Can't wait! Hopefully I'll squeeze in another post before then! Happy Monday!
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