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September 01, 2005



My hearts really broken about this too. Thanks so much for posting this Leslie, I didn't know of it... and I'd really like to donate.

...also, sending out some biz cards to you today. :)


Leslie, great going spreading the word about the Etsy fundraiser! I got a couple emails from other indie gals to join in, and now that I'm back home, I am definitely going to. My first foray into Etsy!

This hurricane is mind-boggling. I can't even comprehend the images being shown on TV. It's so surreal!


We found our friend who lives in NO. He managed to make it to Baton Rouge. We haven't talked to him yet, but we're eager to hear what he's got planned... *sigh* I hate stuff like this that you can't control or explain.


Thanks for the heads up on the Crafters United...I am popping over there right now.

joy madison

:( I don't have anything else to say about it but that......deep overwhelming sadness.


$13,000 - That is amazing. And is wonderful of the Crafters United to donate all of those wonderful items. I had to partake and purchase a few things.

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