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August 02, 2005



Adorable stuff, Leslie! I don't know HOW you find the time to be so darn crafty on top of your Mommy duties (and everything else)! :) Best of luck with your re-launch!


Oh my goodness...such amazing things!
It all looks so good I can't decide! I'll be back tomorrow to put in my order. :D

Thanks so much for the birthday wishes, today's going to be a great day I can feel it.

I loved looking through the baby stash goodies, thanks so much for posting those...is she ever going to feel lucky!

p.s. I'll be sure to post a link to the paper princess this week. :)


The shop looks just fabulous!! It's all so beautiful...I'll have to stock up my paypal account and take a visit soon. Can't believe how much you're getting done with THREE....you're giving me hope!


Leslie, congrats congrats on relaunching your most fabulous shop yet! So much to drool over. So much to love.

I think you already know I'd love to trade links and promos with you. I'll set to send mine off to you today. Big hugs. You're a rockstar mom-artist.


Such wonderful things! I've already picked out what I want (and need) so I'm off to order some and take advantage of your great shipping rates.

Good job!


What is your secret?! When I saw the top of your post, all I could think was, "This woman is amazing. Ringmaster to three (including an infant and one who is mastering the toilet), teacher, wife, and businesswoman." Are you one of those people that thrives on lack of sleep?


So glad your store's back up. Congrats. Everything looks wonderful.


Very cool!


Oh I just bought that adorable baubles pouch! If you have any promo items - send some to me so I can include them in my orders!!


Yay! Going right now to check ya out! :)


Oh Leslie - Congrats on re-opening your shop. I was looking around last night but couldn't concentrate on items I want to buy LOL. I'm going to mail you later to put in a request :o) It's looking wonderful - too much eye candy to handle. You inspire me to work on my shop again.

Oh happy days!


Leslie, Congrats! I am so happy for you. You are such a creative genius...I can't wait to shop. I would love to exchange links. Best of luck!


hank was right, you should be the one wearing a superhero cape! leslie your store is so amazing, i love the birdies!! it all looks wonderful, and thank you so much for the encouragement. i want to be a supermom too!


How fabulous that you are restarting your business...got to go check it out!


IT CAME TODAY! I can't even believe all the stuff in that box. I can't believe my LUCK. I feel terribly guilty about it! I must tell you how much I love the strawberry bag. Thank you SO MUCH, and now I must go check out your shop.


Congratulations! I'm headed over there right now to check it out! Break a leg, or whatever the appropriate equivalent saying should be...


An extra big congrats on all the wonderful news including baby Kate and re-opening the store. :) I'm finally able to catch up on everuone's blogs. Looks like you are going to be extra extra busy these days with those 3 little adorable kiddies of yours!


How do you do it? Three kids, a career, and your own shop? You're superwoman, Leslie. I'm finally catching up on all the blogs I read. Your shop has the cutest things! I can't wait to not be broke on house things so I can go broke in your shop. :)


Best wishes!!


I'm feeling a stationery order coming on. :) I love the Blossoms notecards.


congratulations on the reopen! such a terrific selection of goodies, i'm sitting in a puddle of drool :)


Les....I just LOVE those totes! Too cute for words!

As Yvonne said...you have inspired me to get a move on with opening a shop! Maybe a few of us should consider something VIA Crafy Squad....or something....to promote? This is smomething we may want to all chat about IN THE NEAR FUTURE! LOL....good luck!

joy madison

love it!!!!! the bird cards are especially yummy with their chocolate brown printing and envelopes...mmmmmmmmmmmmmm!


hi leslie,

congratulations on the re-opening! absolutely love your products! =)


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