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August 11, 2005



Love, love, love the new banner! Can we live in that house someday?


Love your new banner. You scored some great stuff. Your cards arrived today. Lovely. Gorgeous and thoughtful packaging and love the teaser freebie back! Great work Leslie.


Oooh, I like the new look. Very cute!

I can't believe Kate is already 8 weeks old. Wow, time does fly fast.

I had to lauch at your comment about the Palm Pilot. That totally sounds like me. I never have mine charged. So, when I do want to use it, I have to download everything to it every time. So, I just gave up on it.


The new banner is sweet! Cute gifts!


me too, me too! love the new look. (i still have a soft spot for the lamb and the bunny though) eight weeks???? kate is eight weeks? how is that even possible? enjoy every moment, who cares what time it is? my favorite is when they get little spit bubbles from all the smiles and giggles!


Time IS really flying here too! Those baby shoes are really adorable. They look handmade. Which reminded me that I have a FREE vintage pattern for baby shoes on my website. I swear they look like the same shoes! Email me for the link if you want to check it out. Enjoy that baby, won't stay little for long....as you have discovered.


Ohh... thanks for the link to your shop!


I love your new banner too. :)

Your site always makes me wish I had a typepad account. I've been thinking of switching... but "thinking" is the operative word. Hee!

Those booties that Mo sent are really precious. I love the books you added too. The bear one had me giggling with those cherry & pineapple costumes. So cute!


aw darn, I just left a really great comment and it didn't post! LOL. Now I've totally forgotten what I said, and I can't use the "post pregnancy brain" as an excuse either! ;)

I love your new banner, and those booties...so darling!

That bear book is so cute, I love the cherry & pineapple bears. :D


Hi Leslie! Love the new banner! Wow, it's been 2 months?! I can't wait until my little girl comes too! Take care!


2 months?!?! That was fast! For me, time is going by really slow. I have about 2 more months to go before the little girl gets here and it feels like forever!

Love the new banner. Take care!


pardon me sounding like a broken record, but love, Love, LOVE the new banner!! what did you use to create it?


Oh and you have forgot to mention your new layout and how lovely it is :o)

Those booties are so dreamy - the word booties alone is already so great!!

I love all your goodies and I'm heading over to your shop right now because I want to see those books - yay!


hmmm .... where's my post gone?

Aimee Roo

lucky, lucky you! the new banner is adorable. i didn't know that you had a little one, you must be a super mom to be able to have a shop, a blog, and still not be insane. ;)


I know exactly what you're talking about, been there for about 12 years now, (or is it 13?) :D If I just give you a pat on the back and tell you it will get better will you believe me? ;) I agree with everyone else, the banner is a wonderful change, and your shop...to die for! You are so talented! What lucky kiddos to have such a wonderful momma!


I cannot believe baby Kate is already 2 months old. That was FAST! I agree that time is going by faster, though. Maybe it's that I'm old. I just saw Halloween stuff at a store and thought "Already?!". I love all the goodies you received. My favorite are those booties.


Oh, and I forgot to comment about the banner. Love it!


Time really does seem to be flying by!

Amazing goodies you got. Those booties are so adorable! And your new banner is so much fun!


I agree with Hank--love the new banner! Two months old, already?!? Wow, time does fly. :)


You are such a busy, productive girl. It's great! I am enjoying the new banner and I think it's because you're so darn productive that you're losing track of the days. It sounds like you're having an amazing time. That is absolutely all that matters!


I love the new banner but I miss the lamb and bunny :( Ok, I'm over it. Glad you like the pincushion. Those little Chucka boot booties are so cute. Very retro! Your craft books must have sold as you posted them. I totally missed that! I'm glad you are offering them though.


:D I completely relate. So glad she's smiling- so sweet! :)

PS- The new look/banner looks great! You're so talented!

joy madison

love the new banner!!!! Sweet Kate! I can't wait to see newer pictures!


Love the new look and the new store. Everything is so pretty!

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