I seem to be emerging from my post-pregnancy hideout! It's been such a wonderful month of bonding with Kate, and these first precious, precious weeks will always be so memorable to me. When I first returned from the hospital in my "post partum weepy state," I was utterly overprotective of Kate. You'd think that she was my first born as I constantly hovered over family and friends as Kate was passed from one set of loving arms to another. Henry, coincidentally, happened to be battling a slight cold during Kate's homecoming, and the sight of a rough and tumble three year old with a snotty nose and sticky hands around my fresh newborn was almost enough to put me in the loony bin.
I survived, though.
And then there was that initial sense of strangeness that I felt with Alison and Henry when I first returned to our happy abode. Bringing Kate home for the first time made me feel as if I were betraying my first two babes. Alison was obviously excited and thrilled to have a new baby in the house, but not Henry. Oh he had an awful hard time at first. All in one fell swoop, he was pushed up a notch in our family ranks to "middle child," and I felt a strange sense of sadness. My baby Henry was no longer The Baby. In comparison to wee Kate, he was so big and grown up. Where had my baby Henry gone?
Rest assured, though, that it took only a matter of days for the old Henry to return!
One evening (Kate was two weeks, I think), my friend Michelle was visiting with her husband and 10 month old, Kaden. They had brought food and gifts galore, and after a short visit, I walked them to the door when suddenly I heard this:
Kate: “Waaaaa! Waaa! Waaaaaaa!”
Me: (I ran to Kate to find Henry hovering over her.) “Henry! What’s wrong? Why is she crying?”
Henry: (in a sing-songy voice) “Me bit baby’s finger.....”
Me: “WHAAAAT?” (blood rushes out of my head)
Henry: “Me bit baby’s finger. Baby’s crying now, Mama.”
Moments like this make me wish life came complete with LifeVo.....oh how I wish I could pause real time or even rewind it!!! Maybe the techie folk can work on that!
Anyway, Kate was fine. Henry was fine (despite a stern scolding). But Mama was a bit shaken (and stirred!)
Hank returned to work after two weeks off, and I was finally able to experience THE JOY! THE FUN! THE CRAZINESS of a real life THREE KID CIRCUS®. Ohboyohboy! Yes it’s nuts! Yes it’s fun! Yes it’s not so fun! If there were an ad for my life, it would look a little something like this:
Okay so I'm exaggerating here......
(enter sounds of crickets chirping)
.....Actually, no I'm not kidding. My life is a full-fledged THREE RING CIRCUS. But it's fun and memorable despite its craziness. One thing that I've learned from my kids is that it's important TO SLOW DOWN and ENJOY THE LITTLE BLESSINGS of life.
So while Henry continues to color on his walls, and while Alison continues to ask a bizillion questions a day, I am content knowing that we're also busy creating fond memories for years to come.
I am desperately behind in posting photos of snail mail goodies (both for my birthday and for Kate's arrival). . . but I think that I will have to save that for next time. In the meantime, I will leave you a link for KATE'S PHOTO ALBUM. If you're a new reader, please know that I have password protected my albums for the protection of my kids and for my own sanity. EVERYONE IS INVITED to view the albums -- I just want to know who's viewing them. That's all. Either post a comment here or e-mail me for the user id/password. :)
AND! Believe it or not I plan on RELAUNCHING THE PAPER PRINCESS! Yes! August marks the FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of my shop, and I can't wait to get it back online! As a teaser, I'd like to give you a sneak peek of one of my newest designs (inspired by Kathleen...explanation later). I had this design professionally printed into notecards. . .and I just got 'em last week! This is one of five new designs that I will introduce in AUGUST! There! I've said it! I've committed myself to relaunching my site this August! And now folks, here is my newest design:
And one more thing. How could I forget? Hank started another blog. Now you can read his work over here at Shotgun Daddy. Go on and take a peek, and leave a comment or two. He's really funny!
Hey mom of three, I'm so happy you're back. The internet isn't the same without you.
I can't seem to get in the babes album either so please mail me the passwords for both albums because I'm dying to see wee Kate :o)
I'm off to read Hank's new blog!
Posted by: Yvonne | July 09, 2005 at 01:28 AM
What a wonderful post - and I am so glad you are back! And I love those lanterns - can not wait to see the paper princess open!! I think I need the password too, I know you sent it once but I can not find it!!!
Posted by: hope | July 09, 2005 at 06:27 AM
I lost the password. As usual.
Henry is my fave. The end.
Posted by: justJENN | July 09, 2005 at 07:45 AM
I loved reading your post! It brought back so many memories. The lantern note cards look beautiful. And I would love the password also, I love baby pics!! I look forward to the re-launching in August!!
Posted by: debbie | July 09, 2005 at 07:53 AM
That was a refreshing post and a positive take on having a Three Kid Circus. I'd like to have access to Kate's photos too. Thanks in advance!
Posted by: Marie | July 09, 2005 at 09:22 AM
Les....love the new LOGO!! It is just the prettiest!
I am so glad all of the Babes are doing well. (poor little Henry....he'll come around eventually!)
Am getting very excited for "you know what"!! There has been some chatter, I know you've been straight out busy, but you may want to check it out when you get a chance!
Have a great weekend sweetums! LOL
Posted by: jes | July 09, 2005 at 09:37 AM
I seemed to have misplaced the password too... :(
You & Hank are so funny, I love reading your posts...you were definitely missed!
I got your cards today and my heart jumped they are just so lovely! I immediately went to the paperprincess site, to find it was still down. I can't wait to see your re-opening in August. :)
Posted by: Kathleen | July 09, 2005 at 03:12 PM
I wanna see the pics of Kate. I was oohing and ahhing over her little feet in the previous post for a very long time. I don't have the password, though. Help?
Posted by: katey | July 09, 2005 at 03:33 PM
oooh, that was a great post but I got a bit teary especially over little Henry.Congratulations on your new bubba!
Posted by: suburbansider | July 09, 2005 at 04:02 PM
Wow! I can't imagine three babies but I bet its amazing. I remember feeling the same way about betraying number one when number two came. And the feel of nymber one's hair was so thick and coarse and big boy next to sweet maya's soft little spikes of hair. Thanks for bringing back the memory! Best wishes to you and your beautiful family. I would love to peek at the album if you have a sec to send the password.
Posted by: mo | July 09, 2005 at 04:18 PM
Great post! Stunning kids and gorgeous parents! Thank you for sharing and look forward to seeing the Paper Princess up and running!
Posted by: Nicole | July 09, 2005 at 05:18 PM
welcome back!! Can't wait to get into your paper princess stuff!
Posted by: joy madison | July 09, 2005 at 11:46 PM
hi, can't wait for the paper princess to be up again! i was linked to you via kathleen...love your new design! =)
Posted by: momo | July 10, 2005 at 05:38 AM
Glad to see you back! Sounds like you get your hands full. We found out we're having a girl too!!!
BTW, I lost the password. Take care, Val
Posted by: Valerie | July 10, 2005 at 08:09 AM
Glad you're back!...with your sanity intact...mostly. :) Great post...and adorable design.
Posted by: Marilyn | July 10, 2005 at 10:17 AM
My you must be busy!! When my lil sis was first home from the hospital, I knocked over her basinet (I was 2). I was trying to climb up to see in and we both crashed to the ground. My mum said she didn't know who to pick up first.
Posted by: Jesser | July 11, 2005 at 08:24 AM
"Watch the kids make Mama cry" was too funny. I soooooo can relate. I no longer have the password, Leslie, could I have it again. Off to check your hubby's new page! Hang in there!
Posted by: yvett | July 11, 2005 at 09:39 AM
i lost the username and password too! this will be the last time i ask for it k?
i think. :)
thank you in advance!
Posted by: erika | July 11, 2005 at 11:00 AM
Hi! I would love to your pictures of your family. I ahve been reading your blog, among others. I really enjoy your family stories and "mommy" times. My children are now grown, 25, 28 and 21. I have two grandchildren who bring joy and laughter to me daily. I am so lucky to have them close by. Keep up with your writing. It's so enjoyable. Please, if I may, send a password so that I can view your pics.
Thanks and enjoy those "babies". Time is fleeting. My kids love to hear the stories I tell them about our family prior to their own memories.
Sue (elismsue)
Grandson's name is Elijah, Eli) and he calls me M.
Posted by: suebel | July 11, 2005 at 01:07 PM
hee hee hee! you are so funny, i love reading your blog.
conrats little kates feet are so sweet!
Posted by: tania | July 11, 2005 at 02:59 PM
i found the password! sorry about that! :)
Posted by: erika | July 11, 2005 at 04:12 PM
gr, nevermind. i do need it again because it looks like you've changed it since january ;)
hit me back soon!
Posted by: erika | July 11, 2005 at 04:15 PM
Welcome back, Ringmaster! Beautiful design - elegant and fun. I'd love to see pictures of Baby Kate.
Posted by: shokufeh | July 11, 2005 at 06:20 PM
welcome back leslie!!! love the new design for the paper princess and i thought kates annoucements were also super cool! glad henry and allison are normal as can be, and i cant wait to check out the pictures of sweet sweet kate!
Posted by: hannah | July 11, 2005 at 06:57 PM
stumbled on your site and been reading for a while now. I'm reading in from Singapore and well, that's not far on the Internet. Heh. I love reading about your everyday life with the kids, your husband, your designs etc.. Wow, you're really talented! You write really well, and your husband too (+ funny, heh).
Congrats on your new little girl, and would love to see pics of her and the rest of the family. Send me password please? =)
Take care now, and read you soon!
Posted by: Cheryl | July 11, 2005 at 07:25 PM
This might be in the running for 'Best Post Ever' what wonderfully fun and silly babes you have, love that ad!
Very anxiously awaiting the re-opening of your shop, YAY!
Posted by: sarah | July 12, 2005 at 07:10 AM
Also misplaced the password and would love to have it again so that I admire your third gorgeous child! I'm glad that you're settling in :)
Posted by: laura | July 12, 2005 at 10:08 AM
'kay, I'm not too keen on this TypeKey thing. That was me above, better known as laura from laura.typepad.com/mommapalooza ...
Posted by: laura | July 12, 2005 at 10:12 AM
oh i am so happy you had a chance to update! :) sweet little henry- he'll keep ya on your toes! :) he's the boy too so that's a special thing he has even if he isn't The Baby anymore. there'll be much more terrorizing, im sure. ;)
Posted by: Joleen | July 12, 2005 at 12:18 PM
Hi Leslie! Welcome back! Can you email me the password please? Can't wait to see the rest of Kate.
Posted by: anne | July 12, 2005 at 06:18 PM
Thanks for the sneak peek! It's beautiful! Can't wait until your shop opens!
Posted by: Jessica Kenenske | July 14, 2005 at 09:05 AM
Would love a peek at the new baby...best wishes to you!
Posted by: vicki | July 14, 2005 at 08:46 PM
I'm laughing outloud about your 3-Ring Circus Family... Cute Ad!
To hear you describe your first few weeks with Kate is so touching... Me a non-mom could barely hold back the tears. What a true joy!
Yes, Yes, please send me the link, I'm dying to meet her!
AND LASTLY... Thank you, thank you for sending along my little gifty and postcard! I can't believe you even found the time to do such a thing. I am in love with my new little bag!! Thank YOU for thinking of me and I hope you enjoyed your pin.
Posted by: jill | July 17, 2005 at 11:00 AM
Such a lovely update, so glad to hear everyone is well. And thanks for the heads up, as we're weeks away from entering the three ring circus over here too! Yikes!
Oh, and I'd love to take a peek in Kate's album if I can!
Posted by: amanda | July 18, 2005 at 12:26 PM
Oh Leslie, life is so full! I am glad Kate's settling in well with Henry (eventually!) and Alison and that you and Hank are well and happy. And that paper lantern card is gorgeous! Can't wait for the shop to reopen!!
Posted by: Giao | July 18, 2005 at 06:06 PM
My little Bonnie was only 18 months when Ross was born and she was NOT READY. Poor little thing. There love each other dearly, now, of course.
Glad the house is getting back in order. Congrats.
Posted by: violetismycolor | July 20, 2005 at 07:46 PM
I love your stories! your kids seem lovely, especially Kate but im a bit biased toward people who share my name.
...i'd love the id/password
Posted by: Kate | December 29, 2005 at 12:31 AM