The Baby Pool stash is growing by leaps and bounds - - the lucky duck winner will be quite pleased with the loot! I was going to take a photo of the goods, but decided to wait until the winner was announced. That way everyone can be surprised together! Some of you sneaky gals, tucked in some little gifties for me too. Behold:

A fabu handcrafted pouch (isn't it thee cutest?) filled with goodies: fabric, ribbon, and buttons (oh my!) from the incredible Nicole (co-creator of the most excellent Back-Tack exchange!). Nicole must have known that GREEN is my fave color -- just look at those buttons. I'm in heaven. And she also managed to slip in a bag of Vanilla Madagascan tea. Oh yum!

And then new pal, Mo, sneaked in some fabulous notecards from her soon-to-be-launched shop, Froy & Olo. My snapshot doesn't do these cards justice as the paper has a slight shimmer and the tiny flowers have jeweled accents! Many thanks to Nicole and Mo!
On the crafty front, I managed to complete the baby afghan. YES! A project that I did not abandon. Here, take a peek for yerself:

I have found that I crochet much faster than I knit, and I must say that I am quite pleased with the outcome of this afghan.
Here's another view:
And yet another (can you tell I'm proud?) :)

My busy hands haven't rested as I also managed to whip out this teeny, tiny sweater shell for the bun. The pattern is from Debbie Bliss' The Baby Knits Book. Knitting up this sweater was quite fun as the I.G.F. (Instant Gratification Factor) was quite high! And I like that! Here take a peek:
And finally, my friends, here are some itty bitty booties that I crocheted. You can guesstimate the size of these wee things as compared to Alison's hands. I just need to add some buttons so that the Mary-Jane straps can keep wriggly feet cozy and toasty. This pattern was from Martha.
Now back to the Baby Pool. You can check out the Pool calendar with all the guesstimates. (If perchance I have a wrong date/time for your guess, just let me know. I was at an all time "loopy" high this evening). View the Calendar Here!
And here is a list of things that are kinda stressing me out:
My parents are on an Italian adventure until June 18th (which means they may miss the birth. :( ) I don't know why they chose this time of the year to travel, but they had better hurry back!
Hank's parents have to make an emergency trip to Michigan this weekend.......which means that if the baby comes this weekend......oh, I can't think about that!
We have no baby names picked out. Uh, hello!
We have home renovations going on RIGHT NOW!
As of Wednesday, I am now 3 cm. dilated and 80-90% effaced!!!
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