Two posts in one week? Unheard of! (At least lately!). Vacation time has been good to me, generously allowing me a daily nap, leisurely breakfasts with the family, and the weather has been well-behaved too (for the most part.....I'll forgive the weather for the freak downpour yesterday). The other day, after escaping to the Fabric Barn, I swung by the local Goodwill. I was thrilled when I walked out with my arms full of goodies. The best buys from that day are below:
Alison's room was lacking a lamp of sorts, and this one will do nicely, don't you think? I bought it for a mere 8 bucks! Rumor has it that Target is selling a similar one for much, much more. I'll take my bargain bin lamp, thank you very much! All it needed was a good cleaning, and the lamp is as good as new. Also pictured is a milk glass vase that I scored for FIDDY CENTS. Yep. Bargain. Hank went out today and clipped some of our newly bloomed roses. Aren't they purdy?
Also in that fortunate trip to the Goodwill, I picked up a vintage red dress that I plan on recycling into something new and improved. Yvonne will be super proud as I just invested in a zipper foot for my Pfaff. With all these buttons, materials, fabrics and such, I "plan" on crafting something up soon. Real soon. Right now, though, I'm all talk!! Hee hee. Just watch, something will come out of my bargain buys and vintage finds. Meanwhile, though, I'm frantically trying to finish up Ze Royal Afghan before the bun makes her appearance. *click photo for larger view*
On Tuesday I had the pleasure of meeting up with justJENN at the aquarium. Despite being a mere 20 minutes away, and despite the fact that our sense of humor is on the same wavelength, we had never met in person. So. It was quite exciting to meet another blog friend in real life. Jenn is as sweet as ever (remember that awesome cybershower?), and her son was a doll. I'm sure that rascal Henry gave him a big scare; at one point during the day, Henry attempted to give little T. a hug and ended up dogpiling him to the ground. Poor guy. Anyway, I purchased some of her fab notepads, and she hand delivered them with some extras too.
I've also been quite excited as I keep finding new, fun sites to browse through. Which makes me realize that I have to seriously update my links page. I've been slacking in that department! On Wednesday, I came home to find a package from Ani. And it was a "just because" gift. So sweet. Check out Ani's Goodies. The snapple lip balm is not pictured (nor is the bath gel) as they are already being put to use! Thanks again, Ani!
It's been fun diving back into the blog world. I've missed surfing through my fave sites, and I've missed all of your company too! I love reading your posts, and I also love reading your comments on my site too. It's fun to be surrounded by so many fabulously creative women. You all inspire me in so many ways! Have a great weekend!
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