It's funny all the little ideas and worries that run through my daughter's head at times. She's only five (a newly minted five at that), and her little curious mind is constantly overflowing with thoughts, dreams, fears, and what-ifs. Most of the time I like to imagine cartoon thought bubbles over her head, crowded with her constant stream of consciousness.
What if there's no potty at school, Mama?
Why do I have to eat my crust (on my bread)?
Will Marissa be in my kindergarden class too?
Will I be tall, Mama?
Do lizards feel pain when their tails fall off?
The queue of questions is never ending, really. Sometimes I secretly wish kids came with a "pause real life" button á la TiVo. But, no, that is only a dream. A silly mother's dream.
***** Our Phase 1 renovation is almost completed (in the nick of time!). Good thing, because in a few days we're off for a two week vacation (Illinois and Michigan). It should be a lot of fun, and Hank and I plan to catch up with some friends (hi Giao!) and family. My camera is coming along, of course, and I'll be sure to chronicle our trip with little snippets here and there.
My posts have been far and few in between due to the busy-ness of day-to-day life. Upon our return to Cali, we will then dive straight into Phase 2 of our renovation project. *sigh* I need to keep my eyes on the prize and not get overwhelmed by it all. It'll all be worth it in the end. I know it will! :)
More Loopy Fun!
The other day Hank, Yury (the contractor), and I were sitting in our dining room admiring the renovations.
Yury made some comment like, "Oh your new wall color goes so well with that too" (motions towards the kitchen).
Unable to comprehend the context clues of his hand gesture, my poor whacked out pregnant mind couldn't infer that Yury was referring to our kitchen paint. My gaze stopped short at his hand gestures, and I only saw the basket of (red) Swedish Fish on the counter.
And then I (dimwittedly) added, "Yeah, those candies really do go well with our new paint, huh?"
Hank and Yury responded with an uncomfortable pause. I'm so damn loopy. Is there a cure for loopiness? Is there, huh? Huh?
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