EPISODE 24, AKA “Oh God, Wait Until Your Father Gets Home”
HENRY: devilish toddler with a penchant for shenanigans.
ALLIE: cranky youngster on a Valentine sugar high
LESLIE: exhausted, frumpy, loopy, highly volatile mom on the verge of explosion.
SHOW SYNOPSIS: Watch this episode of RS’s Boiling Point as Henry and Allie push their mother to the edge. Again. The scene opens at Allie’s preschool. As rain strikes down, providing muddy pools o’ fun for Henry, dozens of mothers, perfectly coifed and manicured, line up to pick up their children from class. Henry has a new umbrella which sets the stage for poked eyes, errant splashing, and random tantrums.
Watch as the fun continues at home when Henry refuses to come into the house. Watch him run circles in the driveway, only to collapse into a heap right in the middle of a fresh puddle of water! And what will Leslie do when Henry shoves his hand down his pants to reveal a hand covered in poo? The gags and laughter are non-stop in this episode.
• Guffaw as Leslie frantically apologizes to other mothers for her son’s antics:
L: “Sorry there. (he he) I know your LV purse is new and all, but my son, my son.....”
Other Mother:“Excuse me, isn’t that your son over there? (points to Henry running across the muddy field)
L: (horrified, but laughs softly) “Ha ha.....er..... ‘HENRY GET BACK HERE NOW!’”
• Watch as Leslie tries to decipher the unrelenting, desperate pleas of her three year old.
H: “Umbrewa, Mama, umbrewa!”
L: “Here you go, Henry...”
H: “No, Mama, Noooooo! Um-bre-wa!”
L: “Do you want me to fold it up?”
H: “Uh huh....”
(Leslie begins folding....)
H: “No Mama, Nooooooo! NO umbrewa!” (shoves umbrella; it drops into the mud)

• You’ll (continue to) thank God you’re not Leslie when:
- Alison's freshly crafted Valentines fall into a puddle of rain.
- Alison says, "Mama your tummy is getting real, real big.....kinda like a whale"
- Henry showers the living room floor with three boxes of candy hearts (just after Leslie's swept the floor)
- a loud shatter comes from Henry's room (two broken bowls)
- Henry grabs his sister's candy and then throws it under the couch, rendering it "unreachable"
- As Leslie moves the couch to retrieve candy, Henry spanks Leslie's butt with his toy car.
And finally, watch as the episode wraps up:
Leslie calls Hank at work, scaring him to death.
L: "Hi uh.....I'm having a really bad day, and...... (voice goes up several octaves) ....Henry broke a.... (sob sob sob) ......and then candy hearts .... (full-blown wailing) ........"
H: ".....I'm coming home...."
L: "No don't (sob) come home . . . and then I was a whale....."
Yep, so that was my day yesterday. It's all rather funny now that I look back on the chain of shenanigans. But when I'm in the moment, I feel like a tea kettle on boil!
Oh Violet . . . Anne . . . , please tell me these little boys grow up to be gentlemen. They do, right?
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