Last Thursday I started a new afghan for our little bun (fingers crossed that it really is a little girl. . .there is always that little seed of doubt when it comes to gender prediction!). I went to my favorite yarn supplier and stocked up on some super soft Rowan DK yarn. Here take a look at my STASH-OLA. I walked out with 45 skeins (yes, they're all in that bag!) of the purdiest yarn you ever did saw. And the killer part? I still have to buy sorry wallet! Anyhoo, I've been crocheting like a madwoman, and I've finished 8 briar patch squares like the one shown. Lately I find myself eager for the evening hours when the little ones are asleep so that I can crochet away.
Next weekend good pal Cassie is throwing a birthday party for her little girl Kylee, and today while the family was napping away, I whipped out these little t-shirts. The three shirts read: "I'm Sassy," "I'm a Ham," and "I'm Spunky." And the backside of each tee reads, "Just Like My Mommy." To add to the fun, I made this this shirt for Ms. Sassie Cassie herself. I hope she likes them.
Yesterday, while at the mall, I was browsing through A Pea in the Pod and saw a line of t-shirts that read "Due in June (or one's respective due date)." And can you believe that they were selling them for seventy something dollars? Um, no thanks.
Since I was already busy crafting up all these tees, I made one up for myself. You can view my budget version of A Pea's, I suppose. I am quite the happy camper knowing that my tee cost a mere $10! Yay for bargains!
Well before I leave, I thought I'd leave you with my profile 19 week photo. Just yesterday I tried to put on a pair of my khaki cords, and, um, they were a TIGHT (In fact, they were so tight that I couldn't feel my lower extremities for about three hours.....alright not that tight). I find this rather funny because I just wore them just a few days before and I was still able to breathe. Ah, such is the way with pregnancy.
P.S. I just added my pregnancy photos to the sidebar. You can also click HERE to view them. Isn't it crazy what a difference two weeks makes?
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