Returning to Hawai'i was most amazing as I feel renewed in energy and spirit. Spending time with dear Hank and my two babes 24/7 brought us closer together. Time at work and school attributes to a sometimes rushed daily life, and this family vacation definitely restored the sanctity (and sanity!) of our little family. Our trip to sunny HI also let us visit with extended family -- I feel renewed on the family front as well. Being one of the few members born on the mainland, I always feel a sense of personal history in Hawai'i (after all, my family has been on the islands since the 1800s!).
While I was vacationing, I missed blogging and all of you, dear readers. Whenever something funny or blog-worthy happened, I felt the urge to type them up for all to share. I guess those stories will unfold with time. Returning home, I was overwhelmed by the gracious greetings and thoughtful notes awaiting me. I enjoyed receiving the cards and goodies from you all: HelloYvetty, Yvonne, Sweet Peas, Hope, Marilyn, Alexis, Ani, and JustJenn. I must say that this internet thing has sure brought some new friends into my life. And for that, I'm eternally grateful!
Dear readers, I also have a bit of EXCITING news to share with you all. Hank and I are expecting our THIRD baby....our due date is June 30th. I've been waiting anxiously to share the news with all of you. I kinda let it leak out to some of you earlier, but now that we're past the first trimester, I thought I'd share it with you all! We've already had a few ultrasounds, and just the other day we heard its heartbeat for the first time. Next month we get to find out the gender (please WISH hard for a GIRL!).
My belly has grown, but I have yet to wear maternity clothes. Yay! Last night I doodled this post's illustration to sum up how I feel about my dear, sweet husband. He has always made me feel so pampered, loved, and beautiful, even during pregnancy. During my pregnancy with Henry, I yearned to sleep on my stomach (my preferred sleeping position). Hank went out and had someone cut out a hole in a foam mattress to allow for my burgeoning belly to hang comfortably. I have to say, that is the darn sweetest thing anyone has done!
Now that you know my secret, and after I've done a bit of reflecting, doesn't this post and this post make sense? I was riding an emotional rollercoaster fued by pure progesterone! Not a fun ride, I tell ya!
Before I close, I'd also like to thank sweet Giao for sending me such a wonderfully thoughtful collage waaaaay back when. The collage (and yummy treats!) lifted my spirits, and they also made me feel so special! And also a big hug and thanks to JustJenn for that special, handcrafted card (scroll down to Nov. 20th). The card brought a good laugh and a happy smile to my face. Both of your thoughtfulness came when I was feeling low, and I am so grateful for that! :)
Well my friends, I've rambled a bit too much. I think I'll close here, but before I do, I thought I'd leave you with a picture of the FINISHED apron (this one went to my MIL) worn my moi (do I look pregnant?). I'll snap a pic of the one for my mom later. Now, get Gifty-ing! :)
P.S. I'm having trouble getting my right column to show up -- it gets smooshed onto the WAAAY bottom left column. I only see this in internet explorer, but not other browers. What shows up on your screen? And what browser are you using? Thanks so much!
Awwww.... I am so happy for you and Hank and the kids! What big and exciting news! I was all set to hear about Hawaii but this tops that any day.
Congratulations on your new little one on the way!!!!
Posted by: alexis | January 02, 2005 at 09:47 PM
Congratulations Leslie & Hank! The world needs more beautiful babies, and judging from #1 and #2... beautiful he or she will definitely be.
Posted by: Anne | January 02, 2005 at 10:05 PM
Congrats on the new baby! Wow what a fun entry to read! You have all kinds of things going on. I love to hear good news. I'm looking forward to belly pictures, hee hee.
My friend Sarah ( is prego too, I'm sure you two would have a lot to talk about, and she posts great belly shots! Oh, hope "prego" didn't hurt your feelings... Sare and I use that term every now and then but reading a typed message can sound different than in person.
Happy Holidays
Posted by: rachel | January 02, 2005 at 10:31 PM
CONGRATULATIONS! I am sooooo happy for you! There are so many things going on right now. I also wanted to let you know that your Christmas card is gorgeous! I absolutely loved it! Have a great new year!
Posted by: yvett | January 02, 2005 at 10:34 PM
Congratulations! What exciting news! Will you be posting belly pics? (I'm a wee bit jealous.)
Posted by: Nathania | January 02, 2005 at 10:45 PM
WOW!! How exciting! Your Christmas card of the kids was so adorable this year...can't wait to see what you'll do with 3 little wonders next year! 2 sound so happy! LOL
I'm glad Hawaii was great and you feel renewed and energized! ~hugs!~
Posted by: jes | January 03, 2005 at 04:17 AM
Congratulations! What wonderful news.
Posted by: Lori-Lyn | January 03, 2005 at 05:22 AM
Welcome back and congrats for you and your husband on the new baby.
P.S. Love the illo, too.
Posted by: Enid | January 03, 2005 at 06:48 AM
OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES!!!!!! That is just wonderful news! I hope the baby is healthy and happy and is just so lucky to come to you!!! And I am happy you had a blast in Hawaii!!! And the apron looks lovely!! Hee Hee!
Posted by: ani | January 03, 2005 at 07:58 AM
What a perfect illo! I'm glad you had such a relaxing stay in Hawai'i. I go back to school tomorrow, so I know exactly how you feel :o(
I wanted you to know how touched I was to receive your Christmas card. Thank you so much for being so thoughtful!
Posted by: Charla | January 03, 2005 at 08:54 AM
Congratulations! What wonderful news!
Posted by: Valerie | January 03, 2005 at 10:10 AM
oh, i love the name "BUN." good choice. hahaha
congrats - i'm so happy for you!
Posted by: justjenn | January 03, 2005 at 10:21 AM
Hooray hooray! Congratulations, and welcome back!
Posted by: Staley | January 03, 2005 at 10:31 AM
How wonderful! The due date is perfect (happens to be me own birthday). Good luck with everything! Welcome back!
P.S. I just found out I am going to Kauai in May. Any suggestions for this island or any rocking websites to check out?
Posted by: Jess | January 03, 2005 at 10:46 AM
What a beautiful surprise...congratulations!
& sweet sweet illo of you and Hank. :)
Thank you so much for the beautiful Christmas Card, it really made me a smile.
I'm using the mac browser "safari", and everything looks perfect here.
Posted by: Kathleen | January 03, 2005 at 10:59 AM
Oh my gosh! Congratulations!! You are already getting started on your third, that's awesome. I pray that your baby is healthy,happy, and beautiful.
What a blessed baby :) (I still look for you when I watch "A Baby Story"). I'll never find you since I only watch when I'm out sick or on vacation. :( lol.
Posted by: erika | January 03, 2005 at 11:20 AM
CONGRATS! I am so excited and happy for you!! How cool is to think that next Christmas you will have another little one to share the holidays with!! You have to keep us up to date with everything, drs visits, name ideas, everything!! I have a huge grin now thanks to you!
And I am so happy you are back, I have missed you so!
Posted by: thesoulofhope | January 03, 2005 at 01:06 PM
Wow, what exciting news! Congratulations!!! And great illo (as always). I'm really happy for you! :)
Posted by: Marilyn | January 03, 2005 at 02:36 PM
Oops, forgot to mention...I'm browsing in Firefox and your site looks fine.
Posted by: Marilyn | January 03, 2005 at 02:37 PM
Welcome back and CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm thinking Pink, Sugar, Spice, for you :-) What wonderful news!
Posted by: cielenpapier | January 03, 2005 at 06:59 PM
Wow, wow, wow...congrats on the newest little one to come! And welcome back. I didn't get to go to Hawaii for Christmas, but I did get to go to Woodburn, Oregon (not for the feint of heart)!
Posted by: violetismycolor | January 03, 2005 at 08:13 PM
Leslie!!! Wow, the big announcement!! I love the illo. It makes my heart a little melty. So sweet. Yours and Hank's love story is one for the ages. How lucky for your little Bun!! I adored the Christmas card and marveled for long at the genius tack you took on collage and photography. You are a clever, clever woman.
I'm glad Hawaii was wonderful (is it possible to not be wonderful with extended family and close family time?! I think abso not!). I hope Monday went ok for you, though I sympathize and empathize with the doldrums and the dread... =}
Take good care of you. I can't wait to read the chronicles of your newest growing family member!!
Posted by: Giao | January 03, 2005 at 09:48 PM
That's some good New Year news :o) Congratulations to you and Hank. I'm really happy for you.
Also welcome back, it's good to have you back. And thanks for the fun Christmas card. It will be so much fun to see another beauty on the card next Christmas.
I'll think pink all day for you and buy some more pink for myself :o)
Posted by: Yvonne | January 04, 2005 at 12:41 AM
Oh my gosh!!! Congratulations!! whoohooo!!!
smooches, tracy
Posted by: tracy | January 04, 2005 at 01:54 AM
You're from Hawaii??? Yay!!! I followed your link through nice to read about anyone that previously lived in the islands. It makes me homesick but cozy feeling at the same time.
Posted by: rowena | January 04, 2005 at 07:57 AM
I am a bit late in reading this... Congratulations!
What wonderful news to read first thing in the morning. :)
Posted by: frecklegirl | January 05, 2005 at 05:32 AM
Happy De-Lurking Day!
I just LOVE your illustration! Too cute!
And a big Congratulations!! I'm jealous (I want 3 or 4 and my husband only wants 2 - I'm still trying to convince him)!
Hope the pregnancy is a breeze.
Posted by: Amanda | January 05, 2005 at 11:08 AM
Congratulations to you and Hank, what a wonderful news. I hope you have a great time being pregnant. Your illo is beautiful and from what I have read your Hank seems to be a great guy!
Posted by: Marieke | January 06, 2005 at 12:54 PM
YAY! How wonderful for you guys! Congratulations! Hooray! I hope you have a girl. And I hope she is both good-lookin' and smart as a whip.
Posted by: tammy | January 06, 2005 at 01:43 PM
Oh, how wonderful! End-of-June babies are lovely, in my opinion :)
Posted by: laura | January 07, 2005 at 02:02 PM
Congratulations to both of you, there's no better news to share! I have three sweeties and they're my treasures!
I wanted to let you know that I'm having the same problem with my blog - I use Safari and it looks fine but when I look at it in Explorer my right column is all smooshed at the bottom of the left column just like you described. This must be a problem with Typepad don't you think? Hmmm, gotta figure this out...
Posted by: Cassi | January 07, 2005 at 09:11 PM
Hello, congratulations on baby # 3 I have to say that I love your "bun in the oven" illustration and your bun-o-meter, I wish I had thought to do that! I too am pregnant, with our second and if I had a bun-o-meter it would read just about opposite of yours... 24 weeks down 16 to go! We are having another girl, which was a surprise but we are so excited, I've already started talking about "my girls" I send all of my girly wishes your way, they are lots of fun!
Posted by: sarah (aka tinylittlewoman) | January 08, 2005 at 09:34 AM
Congratulations on your little "bun". How exciting for you all. Thanks again for your gifty work. I have sent mine off and look forward to what might be winging its way to me!
Posted by: shelagh | January 09, 2005 at 02:37 PM
Congratulations! Most wonderful news. : )
Posted by: Suzette | January 10, 2005 at 02:35 AM
Congratulations! That is great news. I'll send along my girl vibes--I have two already and I would guess that my 3rd one will also be a girl!
Posted by: girl | January 10, 2005 at 06:55 PM