Yesterday I was posting (somewhat boastfully?!) about how my immune system had improved after 1.) teaching germy, infectious adolescents, and 2.) having two babes who pass various colds and sniffles about like a hot potato. Just as I pressed the "submit" button to BenMac's site, I got it. First it started out with a bit of a chill. Now I know it's been cold around here (so cold we've actually been breaking record lows), BUT I had a chill that wouldn't leave. At first I thought it strange that I had the heater on for three hours and I still hadn't warmed up. The next clue was when Alison ripped off her shirt from the 82 degree temps inside. And Henry had beads of sweat on his upper lip. Yet I sat there bundled up in sweats and gloves (yes! I bought a pair of gloves for the first time!).
I took my temperature and it read 101.5 degrees. Lovely. It was 4 p.m. and my husband wouldn't be home for hours due to a basketball game, and I was left to entertain two kids. Fabulous. For those who are not parents (or even teachers for that matter), when the Mama (or maestra) take ill, the KIDS DON'T GET IT! It's not that they don't care, they just DON'T GET IT! And your four year old daughter says things like:
"Mama, let's play family...."
And all I can think is: Yeah, I'll be the baby. Now go tuck me in.
"Mama, wanna make cookies?"
And I wanna say: Go ahead. Just don't burn down the house.
Or your son will do silly things like:
Take the biggest, smelliest, messiest CRAP of all time. Of ALL TIME. And the heater in the back of the house isn't turned I'm forced to go into that igloo of a room in my shivery, shaky state. And we're low (oh so desperately low) on wipes, and I try so desperately to get by with three (3) wipes. Now cleaning a dirty bum with three wipes is QUITE a challenge, and frankly, it's one of my better talents. Yes, TALENTS.
Hank came home late after three or four desperate phone calls to him to "hurry" and "come home fast." He found me in a shivering, feverish state with massive tummy
rumbles. I now had the EXACT same case of the YUCKS my wee ones had just weeks ago. I was starving but no food would suffice as they all had that bland, no flavor at all flavor. I hit the hay within minutes.
Now lemme make a long, gross story somewhat shorter and less disgusting. I found myself at 1 a.m. hurling all of my innards out, and at one point I thought I was going to die (yes, I'm a bit dramatic at times). I had cold sweat and shivers, and my sweet husband came and swept me back to bed. He cleaned up all my mess. Now doesn't he deserve an award or something?
Anyway today I feel much, much better, and in a way I'm SO GRATEFUL that I got that sickness "out of the way" so to speak. It would have been awful to get this case of the yucks while on a plane, flying to paradise.
Anyway, just thought I'd share!! Ha! Lucky you!
P.S. Go check out Hank's revamped site (compliments of moi), Broken Cowboy. He's doing all knds of fancy schmancy stuff like interviewing major sports writers and athletes for posts on his site.
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