Greetings from Hawai’i!
We’re alive and well here on the beautiful Big Island of Hawai’i. We’ve had fun sunning ourselves silly, eating, shopping, eating, sightseeing, eating, and um, eating. And Anne, I’ve had more than my fair share of malasadas and saimin. There is just so much YUM to be eaten here in Hawai’i! The other day we took a tour of my dad’s old neighborhood, and we even staked out his childhood home. I feel such a sense of family history here, and this trip has given me a much clearer view of my dad’s past and history. It feels so good to be here.
On Saturday we depart to O’ahu to visit the gigantic clan that is my family. I’m looking forward to seeing them and celebrating Christmas (just wish my mom and dad could be here too). Last week sometime I sent our gifts to my aunty’s house (did I tell you it cost $85 in shipping costs?) -- so I’m looking forward to unpacking those for the kids. There’s still a bunch of shopping to do, but there just isn’t that sense of urgency here. I feel quite rested and relaxed here. This trip is just what the doctor ordered for my (previously) exhausted and stressed self!
Yesterday we went to the Pana’ewa Rainforest Zoo in Hilo, and Hank snapped this fab shot of this spider. Isn’t it cool? I can’t wait to upload more pics for you guys, but I’m currently using dialup, and frankly it’s taking FOREVER to upload! So you’ll just have to wait until I return! :)
Anyway our trip, as fabulous as it is now, started off kinda rough. First there was that, “Oh my God where is my driver’s license panic??” at the airport. I had to be “profiled” several times before they even let me on the plane. And then there was the subsequent, “Oh my GOD WHERE IS MY SUITCASE frenzy” when we landed in Kona. Yep, the second suitcase (containing my NEW G4 laptop) was M.I.A.
Luckily my mom and dad did a thorough investigation of our house after we departed and found my license!!! Yes! And an even bigger shout of YES! when the airport folk delivered our second suitcase to the condo the next morning. THANK GOODNESS!
Well, I’m going to close the Gifty! sign-ups for Round 2 this Sunday. So far, here is the list of this Round’s participants. (I know that there are more Round 1 gals out there who are interested in participating. Just send me an e-mail or post a comment here to let me know you’re still interested). Thanks so much. Okay, and now for Roll Call. Ahem.....
Pinky of Pink Champagne High
Ani of The World of Ani
Hope of The Soul of Hope
Jenn of justjenn
Yvonne of Yvestown
Jess of Rainy Sunday Daily
Charla of Then You Blink
Mabelle of Whimsy and Stars Studio
Kathleen of Liquid Sky Arts
Yvett of HelloYvetty
Shelagh of BlueberryMoon
Jes of Sweet Peas
Giao of Gnome G
Alexis of DramaQueen Confessions
And I’d like to introduce you to our new “classmates:”
Jill of Just Jill
Mindy of Longing Heart
Jess of Fig and Plum
Enid of Jupiternine
Colleen of cdnchiq
Kristi of Lunchtime Moon
Jen of F1-Comics
Elizabeth of My Own Lil Space
Okay and now the nitty gritty:
Theme: (Post) Holiday De-Stresser
Suggested Monetary Allotment $5-$10 + shipping
Shipping WindowDecember 29 - January 9
*Please note that there are several bloggers residing outside of the U.S. -- therefore shipping costs will be slightly higher and shipping times a bit longer. But I think getting goods from somewhere far away is pretty cool, don’t you?
If you’d like to update or change any info on your bio, please go HERE> and send it to me via e-mail.
jen of.... a thing -
(just guessing that was me!)
Posted by: jen | December 15, 2004 at 02:00 PM
Ooops! I had my "<" thingie facing the wrong way! Fixed! Thanks Jen!
Posted by: Rubber-Sol | December 15, 2004 at 05:38 PM
Wow, that spider is scary! Yay for landing safely in a gorgeous part of the world (I'm assuming, since I've not been to HI yet), and boo for MIA luggage.
Can't wait for Gifty Round 2!
Have a great holiday, Leslie!
Posted by: Giao | December 15, 2004 at 09:39 PM
Can't wait!
I'm so jealous, but glad to hear you are having a wonderful time in Hawaii! It's 21 degrees here. Sux big time.
Did I mention I'm jealous? Oh yeah, thought so. :)
Bring me back some sunshine in your suitcase!
Posted by: alexis | December 15, 2004 at 09:45 PM
Of COURSE I am still interested - please use [email protected] as my email - I think I gave you the wrong one last time.
Glad you made it to Hawaii safe and sound, and keep us posted on your trip :)
Posted by: thesoulofhope | December 16, 2004 at 06:20 AM
So glad to see you arrived safely and so did your ID and luggage! I am happy you and your family are having fun! Merry Christmas! Can't wait to see who my Gifty 2 buddy will be:)I check often on my Gifty 1 buddy. So its a good thing to bring people together:)
Posted by: ani | December 16, 2004 at 07:31 AM
I am so glad that Hawaii is treating you well...wish I was there.
Posted by: violetismycolor | December 16, 2004 at 08:52 PM
I want in on round 2 if there's still a space! You can email me and let me know if you need any addtional information. I have another journal here: you can link either one you'd like, it doesn't matter
Posted by: Pam | December 16, 2004 at 09:49 PM
Aloha to you :o) How much fun internet is, you can hook up anywhere and still be in contact with your buddies. Yay for world wide stuff!
Posted by: Yvonne | December 17, 2004 at 04:09 AM
Ooh.. did you get haupia filled malasadas? Don't forget the shave ice, hurricane popcorn, manapua, Napples from Zippys... how sad that I equate everything with food.
Posted by: Anne | December 17, 2004 at 06:36 PM
Ohh, so excited to see I will get to be in on round 2. I already have one perfect idea for a De-Stresser gift... I wonder who will be my buddy will be? (for some reason my linky isn't working...)
So wonderful to hear all about your Hawaii-vacation... Ahhhh....
Posted by: jill | December 18, 2004 at 07:10 AM
Oh, I was so glad you did a post of your vaca. so far! Sounds just wonderful! And to be able to relax and enjoy...extra special!
I can't wait to see who my gifty partner is, I all ready picked something up!
I had to chuckle at the dial up comment, it's all I can get here in the Boonies of Maine....Verizon service stopped 500 yrds. from my house...can you believe it? So when I do a post or load up a pic. I usually do a load of dishes or laundry...I'm not kidding !
Posted by: jes | December 18, 2004 at 08:38 AM
Ooh... I haven't been to Pana’ewa Rainforest Zoo since I was a keiki! Maybe I should add that to my list of things to do once I make it back home in January... Enjoy your vacation and all the local kine grinds you can!! Mele Kalikimaka!
Posted by: little things | December 18, 2004 at 07:50 PM
We want updates and pictures! How is Hawaii???
Posted by: thesoulofhope | December 19, 2004 at 04:37 PM
Ooh, round 2 looks so exciting!
The pace in Hawaii is just my speed...slow & kick back.
Hope to hear some good stories about the trip, these days I have to live vicariously. :)
Posted by: Kathleen | December 19, 2004 at 07:08 PM
Am I too late to sign up for gifty?
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