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October 19, 2004



The apron is fantastic! Ohmygosh ... Hawaii so much better then Prague ;o)


I am so jealous, but at the same time so happy for you!! I know you guys will have an awesome time. The last time I was in Hawaii was when I got married. We were married in a little park right by the ocean at the base of Diamondhead. I fell in love with Hawaii then and have been wanting to go back ever since. Aloha!


The apron is so cute and fun! I can't believe people actually knit stuff! It looks like it took forever to make!

I love Hawaii. I nannied when I was in college and got to go several times. I can't wait until I can afford to go back some day. It is soooo beautiful there!


Will you have an internet connection? That is 18 full days we will have to go without hearing from you! (notice how I turn your vacation into something about me??) I am very excited for you - when are you going? Take lots of pictures!


I love the apron but I like the idea of making a little sleeveless top with that cute fuzzy yarn at the bottom!


How awesome!!!!! Have a blast!

Pauly D

Those look great!


I am jealous for 2 reasons...
1. You're an AB FAB knitter! (I'm currently still on scarves)

No seroiusly....LUCKY, LUCKY you!


Your knitting is fantabulous! I am super impressed!!

And YAY for Hawaii and syched up schedules and super in-laws and more vaca for family!


daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!! those are awesome!! you have some mad knitting skillz, woman.

i hope y'all have a fabulous time in hawaii. i mean, it's hawaii - it's hard NOT to have a fabulous time, right?


Big Island Candies. YUM.


Hi there,

I saw the aprons you made. They are so beautifull. Do you have a pattern, because I like to make this for my daughters.
Have a good time!


I love the aprons- especially the colors in the blue one! So pretty! Almost makes me want to cook... almost. :)

That is so awesome about Hawaii!!


Love these so much. I'm with Sassefrass, I'd love to make one in small!


I like the aprons. But if i will ever knit them. I don't know, have to much knitting around as it is.

Greetings from a dutch knitting mama


Color me green! I love Hawaii! We went for our honeymoon (Kauai and Oahu. What a great deal :)


This is amazing!


a totally cool apron - not sure how practical, unless of course you never make a mess while cooking!

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