Aumenta la Foto • Enlarge Photo ¡Fiesta!
Fiesta es una explosión de color como los cohetes mexicanos, como la risa de niños, como las olas del mar. Fiesta es el sabor de limonada y el olor de tortillas recien cocidas. Para mi, fiesta significa papel picado, piñatas, besos y amor, y la companía de mis seres queridos. Simplemente, fiesta es una manera de sentir y de vivir.*
Bold, bright and never shy. These are the colors of mi querido México. I snapped this photo years ago (I used to live in México City); it's a photo of an altár for Día de Los Muertos (Day of the Dead). It's a day to cherish and remember loved ones who have passed on, and unlike what many may presume, it's not a morbid day. Time is spent in cemetaries, and family and friends make ofrendas for their deceased loved ones. Las ofrendas (the offerings) oftentimes consist of food like pan dulce (sweet bread), donas (donuts), fruta (fruit), and most often you will find calaveras (sugar skulls). In México death is embraced and not feared.
*Translation (this sounded much better in español): "Fiesta is an explosion of color like Mexican fireworks, like childrens' laughter, like waves in the sea. Fiesta is the taste of limonada and the smell of hot tortillas. To me, fiesta means papel picado, piñatas, kisses and love, and the company of my loved ones. Simply put, fiesta is a way of feeling and living."
You are ever-impressing me with little nuggets about you. Mexico City!
I love that pic! So many colors and textures!!
Posted by: Giao | October 22, 2004 at 09:12 AM
hey, i really like that. and it's got a beautiful accompanying sentiment.
everything sounds better in spanish. i think that's because when you are speaking spanish, you have to smile a lot.
Posted by: tammy | October 22, 2004 at 10:26 AM
The picture is great... as well as the explaination.
Posted by: JiNGLES | October 22, 2004 at 06:34 PM
Your picture and accompanying story make me long for the day when you can take me to Mexico City. I can't wait...
Posted by: Hank | October 22, 2004 at 07:15 PM
I like this very much. I think mixing media is a great idea!
Posted by: violetismycolor | October 23, 2004 at 08:11 AM
I really like the idea of dying as something positive. Why make it all so gloomy? Love the picture, reminds me of the wedding of my Mexican friend in Veracruz a year ago. Mexico rocks :o)
Posted by: Yvonne | October 23, 2004 at 12:34 PM