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August 18, 2004



Wow, it sounds like everything is going well! How fun to do a tots music class with 2 little people of big personality!! Thanks for the link to JustJenn, fun blog! How fun to make online pals. Now you've got me all curious about what rubber-sol means.

going to check out your stamps pronto...


You have a little maestro on your hands. Oh dear my kids are gonna be shy like your Allie. My husband and I although wacky tend to be shy around people we don't know. Good for your son!

Congrats on the new newphew!


Ooh, does RubberSol relate to the Rubber Stamps? Was it so obvious that I appeared colored with the dumb stick?


Hi Ani - Thanks! The new nephew is rather LARGE. Almost 22 inches long! And sometimes shy is preferable to BOISTEROUS! We have a nice mix, though, w/ two very different babes.

Hi Giao! I've now been inspired to post about the namesake of this site! I've been meaning to do it for quite sometime now. Your guess is partially correct. For the other part....think "Fab Four."

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