Last night Cassie and I took our babes (her Kylee, my Henry) to a Tiny Tots Music Class. I enjoyed the one-on-one time with Henry, and he seemed to LOVE the class. He's quite the musical guy; he has been able to hum songs from memory since quite an early age. For an hour, he twirled, jumped, ring-around-the-rosied, marched, stomped, and giggled. He truly is a delightful young boy (despite his routine shenanigans), and he's starting to grow more loving and affectionate each day.
Unlike his more reserved sister, he's very social and outgoing. Alison has taken a slew of creative classes (art, gymnastics, dancing etc), but she usually spent a good 50% of the time either a.) clinging to my legs or b.) observing the others. Upon arriving at the park, Henry BURST! into the recreation room, swinging the doors open as if to exclaim, "Let the party begin!"
Cassie's girl, Kylee, has a very similar personality to Henry (hmmmm....they must take after their mothers....just a hunch!), and they both enjoyed each other's company. At one point we saw them holding hands, and our hearts see, we've already arranged their marriage! That way Cassie and I can be together for like, forever!
Henry's a silly dude too. After hearing Kylee yell, "Mommy! Mommy," to Cassie, he has assumed that Cassie's name must, reasonably, be "Mommy." So throughout the night the other mothers heard him yell, "Come Mama!......Come Mommy!" Now we're trying to teach Kylee to call me "Mama." We're silly girls, I guess.
On another note, I've met a new online pal, JustJenn. Her site is so fun, and we've already corresponded via e-mail several times. We've found out that we have some similar tastes and interests! She was the first person who actually guessed the meaning behind, "Rubber-Sol!" How cosmic.
Also I have a fresh batch of eBay. Last week's auctions surpassed my expectations, and this week has started to prove the same! (Thank you to those who bid and to those who beat out the snipers!) I'll be liquidating my entire rubber stamp inventory for the next couple of months. If you, dear reader, are interested in any of them, let me know. No bidding necessary! And absolutely no obligation, of course!
Oh! One last thing! My new nephew, Everett Michael, arrived on the 16th (his actual due date!)! Yay! And Hank's best bud Everett (a.k.a. Rett....can you believe another Everett!) just had his second babe, Kate!
Wow, it sounds like everything is going well! How fun to do a tots music class with 2 little people of big personality!! Thanks for the link to JustJenn, fun blog! How fun to make online pals. Now you've got me all curious about what rubber-sol means.
going to check out your stamps pronto...
Posted by: Giao | August 19, 2004 at 12:30 AM
You have a little maestro on your hands. Oh dear my kids are gonna be shy like your Allie. My husband and I although wacky tend to be shy around people we don't know. Good for your son!
Congrats on the new newphew!
Posted by: ani | August 19, 2004 at 10:55 AM
Ooh, does RubberSol relate to the Rubber Stamps? Was it so obvious that I appeared colored with the dumb stick?
Posted by: Giao | August 20, 2004 at 04:19 AM
Hi Ani - Thanks! The new nephew is rather LARGE. Almost 22 inches long! And sometimes shy is preferable to BOISTEROUS! We have a nice mix, though, w/ two very different babes.
Hi Giao! I've now been inspired to post about the namesake of this site! I've been meaning to do it for quite sometime now. Your guess is partially correct. For the other part....think "Fab Four."
Posted by: Rubber-Sol | August 20, 2004 at 09:57 AM