Hank and I took the kids up to SLO county for a few days in attempt to go on a vacation. Our radically different work schedules have always prevented us from going anywhere for a prolonged amount of time so we had to seize this opportunity to go somewhere, anywhere. We had tons of fun at the San Luís Obispo Children's Museum; going there always makes me wish I were a kid again!
And believe it or not, San Luís Obispo hosts a pretty darn good Farmer's Market. Since it's held in the evenings, it ends up being more like a social gathering of sorts. I had just as much fun people watching as I did browsing the stands of produce and other crafty goodies. We stocked up on our supply of Orange Blossom honey straight from the honey comb. Yum!
The rest of the weekend was spent rummaging through some stuff that I have stored at my parents' house. Since I'm such a PACKRAT, and have virtually EVERY folder from my academic career, I had a lot of sorting out to do. I found some really, really funny notes and pictures that Tory and I wrote to each other in Biology. I'll have to share those later. Hilarious.
Today was spent in the pool (a real one....not a blow up one! Oh the thrills!) with mi querida amiga, Linda. Alison was overly cautious even with her water wings, and Henry, oh Henry, was up to his usual daredevilish tricks. I actually think I saw him try to walk on water a few times. I also saw him gulp down a fair amount of water as well.
After reading Giao's Suite 101 article, I was inspired to host our own lawnchair theater extravaganza (I think I was even more inspired by the "work sucks" theme). We have a digital projector, lap top, dvds etc....but I'm still uncertain how we would crank up the volume loud enough for all to hear since we would most likely have an audience of wee folk. It seems like last ditch efforts to preserve summer are in the air, because shortly after reading the Suite 101 article, I noticed that LJC has already done her version of guerilla drive-ins! How serendipitious!
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