Dear Third Period Class -
It's been a wild ride for the past 9 months, and now it's time for us to part. Months ago, I anticipated this time of departure, but now I find myself longing for the craziness, the constant drama. When I first read the roll sheet in September, I thought I was part of a practical joke. I mean who could have imagined I would have had a class of virtually all boys. BOYS!
And not your sweet, solemn type of boys either. I'm talking LOUD boys who needed to bang on the desks. And the ACTIVE boys who needed to dance. We even had the FUNNY guys who cracked jokes at the most inopportune moments. And then there were the BOISTEROUS ones, the ANGRY boys, the RUDE boys, the COCKY boys, and even the SCARED boys.
As my quiet, demure Second Period (mostly girls) departed my room, I could hear your rumbles and tumbles of noise as you entered. Usually Robert and Chris were found tackling each other outside my doors, and DeAndre would enter with a burst of excitement, "Ms. Saito, if I don't use the bathroom right NOW, I will pee in my pants!" That was usually the cue for David to start rhythymically pounding on the tables as the rest danced to the beat. And what would a day be like if Angel and Erick didn't arrive late?
There were days of excitement (h.s. football tryouts!), and then there were frightening days too. Like when two of you hid in my room, afraid to leave for fear of getting jumped in. Regardless of all this, I enjoyed talking to you all. Oftentimes my ears were eager to hear about your families, your weekends, your moments of happiness. But other times, I enjoyed supporting you during your moments of sadness or fear.
As we part ways, I hope that you continue with your education. Remember to use your knowledge to RISE above any situation. I hope that I made enough of an impression on you that in ten, fifteen years you will remember me. It is every teacher's hope that her students continue on their journey towards a happy, fulfilling life. Always remember that I believe in you, and I have faith that you will succeed.
Your teacher always,
Ms. Saito
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