FRIDAY, 7:20 a.m.
I wake up feeling refreshed and content.
My I must have really slept well. I feel so rested.
I roll over to look at the clock.
Hmmmm 7:20 a.m. Oh it's so early! I'll just close my eyes and rrrres...
Omigod. Omigod. Omigod.
I fling the duvet off, leaping out of bed.
"It's SEVEN FRICKEN TWENTY ONE NOW! Class starts in forty minutes! Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord!"
Scramble, scramble, scramble.
7:40 a.m.
I speed down the 405. My tire hits a bump and my steering goes berserk for a few seconds. I slow down a tad. Only a tad.
7:50 a.m.
A stranger in a white car trails me for miles. He eventually gets off the same exit as I do.
Ewww what a creep! God. Who is this guy?
The stranger continues trailing me, and as I enter the school parking lot, his car follows. He honks at me, and I'm about to give him the finger. He motions for me to roll down my window.
"Yeah right PAL. I ain't gonna roll down my window for no one...." I saw in the safety of my locked car. I mean, I'm already late, and this guy wants to chat? Come ON.
"Excuse me, ma'm..." I hear him faintly through the glass, he again motions for me to open the window.
"Err... yes?" I say in irritation. I open my window a crack. "Yeah?"
"Um....I've been following you...because you have a flat tire...I just wanted to make sure you arrived safely!"
Red embarrassment rushes over me. " you. THANK YOU" is all I can manage.
7:55 a.m.
The first bell rings. I'm about to be late to class, but I don't care. I'm overwhelmed by the unexpected kindness of a stranger.
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