She's Lucy. I'm Ethel. Together we make quite the pair.
Nevermind that we see each other for 8 hours a day at work; the phone still rings at home whenever a random, silly thought pops into her head. And I quickly dial her digits to utter the latest bits of silliness in my life too. Most of the time we spend laughing at the world, and when I say laugh, I mean stomach-wrenching chuckles that bring tears to our eyes. Hilarity is at its best when random thoughts enter our minds at the exact, precise moment. When this occurs, our faces light up when we realize that similar thoughts are currently running through each other's brains. And laughter starts all over again.
Remember the episode when Lucy and Ethel frantically stuff their mouths with chocolates when the factory conveyor belt speeds up? That could easily be an episode out of our lives. I kid you not.
We’ve played hooky once or twice (okay more than twice) together. One time upon bumping into a co-worker (what the hell was she doing at the mall during work hours anyway?), we quickly scattered like two children into the nearest clothing store to avoid confrontation.
Reverting to childlike fun has given me the inspiration to live like a kid again! I feel giddy and excited when we’re together, and I am so, so thrilled that there is another being on this earth who believes in Reality T.V. and gossip as much as I do.
Much of the time our husbands cast their eyes down and shake their heads when we’re up to no good. The other day, after some random shenanigan, I said, "Cassie we're going to burn in hell for this!!!”
And then I continued, “But at least we'll be together!"
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