Today I chaperoned 78 7th and 8th graders on a field trip to USC. Our goal was to expose our kids to campus life and an academic environment; it’s funny how sometimes reality fails to rise to our expectations.
As our guide was leading us through our tour, she managed to eke out a few tidbits of useful knowledge for the students. Just imagine a bus load of eager, inner city kids swarmed around our guide (a cute, albeit hungover, college senior).
10:15 a.m.
Guide: “So here at USC, we used to be called ‘The Fighting Methodists’ that is until --”
Random Student: “--omigod a BEE!!!”
(mass chaos as students scatter in all directions)
Guide: “ that is until we beat Stanford......”
R.S. #2: “It’s on Angel’s arm!”
(more scattering and screaming....students swatting at Angel’s arm)
10:25 a.m. (calmness restored)
Guide: “ your right you’ll see our bookstore. Can anyone guess how many floors....”
(as if on cue, a male midget is seen walking up the steps to the bookstore)
Students: “.....oh my God!!!!”
“Lookit that guy....”
“ on Jackass....”
“ small....”
“....ha ha ha.....”
The tour pretty much continued with kids distracted by the every day happenings of campus life. A few additional highlights, however, must be noted. In order of appearance, my students were able to catch a glimpse of the following:
• Minnie Mouse on a cruiser
• a statue of a naked man (spread eagle and full unit in tact)
• a student dressed as a school girl complete with ultra mini skirt (which happened to lift in the wind, revealing her red skivvies)
• an apparently drunk frat brother rolling around on the grass
So all in all, I think the fieldtrip was successful. Don’t you?
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