- Boy, you must have a lot of time on your hands!
- How many hours are there in your day?
- Where did you get the time to do [enter misc. activity here]?
People sometimes ask me these questions after I've finished a seemingly time-consuming project. While it's true that I've spent dozens of evenings staying up until the wee hours because I'm completely absorbed in Project "A," "B," and/or "C," the truth of the matter is that I enjoy immersing myself in creative activity. Whether it's frantically sewing Halloween costumes [on October 30th] for my babies or handcrafting birth announcements [with miniature crocheted baby sweaters] for 100 + people, I love what I do.
Sometimes [okay, most of the time], the inspiration to create something, like this website, comes to me completely on a WHIM! When inspiration strikes in its capricious ways, my mind cannot rest until my project is completed. Like right now. I forsee many restless nights as my mind will race with ideas and thoughts. I'll have dreams [nightmares to others, I suppose] over font styles, html codes, css, frames, graphics...oh it's terrific really! The end product will be the creation of "rubber sol," my brand-spankin' newest project.
It is my intent that 'rubber sol' give you a glimpse into my world [however thrilling that may be]. Sometimes my moods will showcase themselves in my writing, and you will know whether I was cranky, stressed or happy at the time of publication. Nevertheless, 'rubber sol' is a window into my world. Be a voyeur and take a peek.
Now that the family is asleep, I've got a lot of work to do.
P.S. Shout out! Click on "Comments" below! I'd love to hear from you
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